Last updated: 4/13/2015
Short Calendar List Lead Paint {JD-CL-6L}
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SHORT CALENDAR LIST LEAD PAINT JD-CL-6L New. 8-99 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT INSTRUCTIONS TO COUNSEL Use this form to claim or reclaim the below-listed motions for the Lead Paint (LPL) Short Calendar. Any motion not specified on this form must be claimed or reclaimed in the judicial district in which the case is pending. See LPL Case Management Orders (CMO) 1 and 2, as amended. File the original of this form in the judicial district in which the case is pending. Send a copy of this form, the motion and all required documents to the Honorable Linda K. Lager, Presiding Judge for Lead Paint Litigation, Superior Court, 235 Church St. New Haven, CT 06510. Matters will not be calendared unless all required documents are submitted. Telephone inquiries: (203) 789-7953. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NAME OF CASE INSTRUCTIONS TO CLERK The enclosed motion/reclaim should not be scheduled for short calendar in your judicial district. Please code the motion accordingly and file it. The Honorable Linda K. Lager, Presiding Judge for Lead Paint Litigation, will assign/decide this matter and will notify you of the results. DATE DOCKET NO. (LPL PREFIX) SUBMITTER'S NAME AND ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. (w/area code) Motion to Compel Mandatory Limited Disclosure - CMO 1, § IV Required documents: motion to compel, copy of defendant's appearance Motion for Default for Failure to Comply with Order Compelling Mandatory Limited Disclosure - CMO 1, § IV Note: This motion can only be filed if a Motion to Compel Mandatory Limited has been granted and there has been no compliance. Required documents: motion for default, copy of JDNO granting motion to compel Motion to Dismiss - P.B. §§ 10-30, 10-31 Required documents: motion, complaint, memorandum of law; affidavit if facts not apparent on face of record Objection to Request to Revise - P.B. §§ 10-37 Required documents: objection and reasons as specified in § 10-37(b); adverse pleading sought to be revised Motion to Strike - P.B. § 10-39 et seq. Required documents: motion, pleading sought to be stricken, memorandum of law Motions re Parties - P.B. §§ 9-18 through 9-22, 10-11 Required documents: motion, any document required by Practice Book, memorandum of law Objection to Motion to Amend Complaint - P.B. § 10-60(a)(3) Required documents: original complaint, proposed amended complaint, objection, memorandum of law Motion for Summary Judgment - P.B. § 17-44 et seq. Required documents: motion, complaint, answer, supporting documents as specified in § 17-45, memorandum of law; any other relevant pleading MOTIONS DIRECTED TO DISCOVERY (SEE CMO 2) Motions to Extend Time to Disclose Expert - CMO 2, §§ IV.3, VII.3 Motion to Compel or for Order of Compliance Regarding Expert Disclosure - CMO 2, §§ IV.4, VII.4, P.B. § 13-14 Objections to Supplemental Written Discovery - CMO 2 § V.3, VII.3, P.B. §§ 13-8, 13-10 Required documents: objection, affidavit as specified in P.B. §§ 13-8(b), 13-10(c) Objection to Physical Exam of Plaintiff (by agreement of parties only) - CMO 2 § VI.2, P.B. § 13-11 Required documents: objection, copy of request, statement showing agreement of parties to claim to LPL short calendar Objections to Requests for Admission - P.B. § 13-23 Required documents: request for admission, contested answer or objection, certifying affidavit as specified in § 13-23(b) Motion for Protective Order - P.B. § 13-5 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com