Waiver Of Personal Representatives Bond | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | District Of Columbia

 District Of Columbia   Statewide   Superior Court   Probate   For Estates Of Decedents Dying On Or After January 1 1981 Through June 30 1995 
Waiver Of Personal Representatives Bond | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | District Of Columbia

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Waiver Of Personal Representatives Bond

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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION _________ ADM _________ Estate of ________________________________ Deceased WAIVER OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S BOND (For estates of decedents dying on or after July 1, 1995) I, ___________________________________________________________, being a competent adult heir and/or legatee of __________________________________________, deceased, or a creditor of the decedent whose claim in excess of $500.00 has not been barred or discharged, and being familiar with the petition of ___________________________________________________ for Letters of Administration, do hereby waive protection of any bond* so far as my interest in said estate is concerned. ________________________________ Witness ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________________ Date *Bond is a form of insurance. If the personal representative misappropriates or otherwise mishandles estate assets, the bonding company will repay the estate the amount lost or the amount of the bond, whichever is less. Bond covers the shares of all interested persons who have not waived bond. January 2011 - 150.10.v1

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