Writ Of Possession | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Clayton   Magistrate Court 
Writ Of Possession | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 8/19/2011

Writ Of Possession

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IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA FILE NO.. PLAINTIFF _ PHONE # YS. ADDRESS PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT DEFENDANT WRIT OF POSSESSION TO THE SHERIFF OF SAID COURT OR HIS LAWFUL DEPUTIES AND TO ALL AND SINGULAR THE SHERIFFS OF SAID STATE OR THEIR LAWFUL DEPUTIES AND TO ALL LAWFUL CONSTABLES OF SAID STATE: GREETING: WHEREAS, the Plaintiff has been adjudged entitled to recover from the Defendant the possession of certain personal property, the description and location of which is as follows: THEREFORE, you are hereby ordered to levy the aforesaid personal property and, at the option of the Plaintiff, to either surrender said property to the Plaintiff for retention or disposition in accordance with Article 9 of Title II, as amended, or advertise and sell same as in the case of levy and sale under execution by law provided. This the day of ., 20. _ JUDGE, MAGISTRATE COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY ELECTION OF OPTION (Option desired must be initialed in the space provided) Pursuant to Code, 44-14-236, as amended, the undersigned, (agent) (attorney) for the Plaintiff in the above action hereby directs that the property described in the within and foregoing WRIT OF POSSESSION be: o surrendered to the Plaintiff for retention or disposition in accordance with Article 9 of Title II as amended. advertised and sold as in the case of levy and sale under execution as by law provided. day of " 20_ o This the (AGENT) (ATTORNEY) FOR PLAINTIFF American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY Diligent search made and the property specified in the within WRIT OF POSSESSION not found to be in Clayton County, Georgia. Thisthe dayof ,,200 _. DEPUTY SHERIFF GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY I have this day executed the within Writ of Possession by levying upon and seizing the following described property of defendant, to-wit: Levied at Thisthe dayof St., ; Ga. 200 __. DEPUTY SHERIFF GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY I have this day turned over to the Plaintiff the property specified in the within WRIT OF POSSESSION pursuant to the election of the Plaintiff as authorized by Code 44-14-236, as amended. Thisthe dayof · ,200_. DEPUTY SHERIFF American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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