Charitable Organization Registration Statement {CO-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Statewide   Office Of The Attorney General   Charitable Trusts 
Charitable Organization Registration Statement {CO-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 12/24/2024

Charitable Organization Registration Statement {CO-1}

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CO-1 - CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION - REGISTRATION STATEMENT. This registration statement is required by the Illinois Charitable Trust Act and the Illinois Solicitation for Charity Act. Please answer all items which are applicable to your organization. If you are unable to answer any question fully in the space provided, please attach a sheet containing the remainder of your answer. No further registration statement is required, provided that every registered organization shall notify the Attorney General within 10 days of any change in the information submitted herein. One copy of this Registration Statement and attachments are to be filed with the Office of the Attorney General, Charitable Trust and Solicitations Bureau, 115 S. LaSalle St, Chicago, IL 60603.

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