Advice Of Rights After Order Terminating Parental Rights (Indian Child) {PCA 323-I} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Advice Of Rights After Order Terminating Parental Rights (Indian Child) {PCA 323-I} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 6/15/2018

Advice Of Rights After Order Terminating Parental Rights (Indian Child) {PCA 323-I}

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en-USIn the matter of en-USFull name of childen-US DOB: en-US en-US , adoptee þ 1. þ On en-USDateen-US an order was entered terminating your parental rights to the child(ren) named above. 2. þ en-USYou have the right to þ a. þ Request a rehearing in the circuit court on the termination of your parental rights. If you choose to request a rehearing, þ you must do so by contacting this court in writing within 21 days of the date of the order terminating your parental rights. þ b. þ Appeal to the Court of Appeals the termination of your parental rights or the denial of your request to revoke release/ þ consent of parental rights. If you wish to appeal this termination or denial, you must do so by filing a claim of appeal with þ the Court of Appeals of the State of Michigan within 21 days of the date of the order terminating your parental rights or þ the order denying revocation of release/consent. þ c. þ If you released your parental rights for purposes of adoption or consented to the adoption of your child, you may withdraw þ your release/consent at any time before entry of a final order of adoption by filing a written demand with the court þ requesting return of your child. 3. þ Your obligation to support the child continues until a court of competent jurisdiction modifies or terminates the obligation, an þ order of adoption is entered, or the child is emancipated by operation of law. 4. þ en-USIn addition to the above rightsen-US you have the right to control the release of identifying information about yourself as follows: þ a. þ You may file with the Central Adoption Registry of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, at any time, þ a form called 223Parent222s Consent/Denial to Release Information to Adult Adoptee.224 With this form (copies available at all þ circuit courts or Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offices) you can consent to or deny the release of þ the following identifying information: þ en-US225 þ Your name at the time of termination of your parental rights. þ en-US225 þ Your most recent name and address, which is on file with the Central Adoption Registry. þ You can use this form anytime you change your mind about consenting to or denying the release of identifying þ þ information. þ b. þ You may keep your name and address current with the Central Adoption Registry by sending this information to the þ Registry in writing. en-USNOTE:en-US If you do not file a 223Parent222s Consent/Denial to Release Information to Adult Adoptee,224 or if you revoke a previously filed en-USdenial, then the identifying information stated in item 4 will be released upon the request of each child after reaching the ageen-USof 18. If the other former parent has filed a denial of release of identifying information that has not been revoked, the identifying information about that parent will not be released. þ American LegalNet, Inc.

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