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Return Of Service Of Summons
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STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF ALLEN ) ) SS: ) IN THE ALLEN ___________________ COURT FORT WAYNE, INDIANA CASE NUMBER: ___________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) / Petitioner(s) vs. ___________________________________________ Defendant(s) / Respondent(s) RETURN OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS ADMISSION OF SERVICE I received a copy of the Summons and Complaint / Equivalent Pleading on this date ______________ and at this location ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (address) __________________________________________ Signature of Party (Relationship If not the named person) SHERIFF'S RETURN OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS I hereby certify that I have served this Summons on the ____ day of _____________, 20______: By delivering a copy of the Summons and a copy of the Complaint / Equivalent Pleading to the Defendant / Respondent identified on the first page of the Summons. By leaving a copy of the Summons and a copy of the Complaint / Equivalent Pleading at _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (address) which is the dwelling place or usual place of abode of and by mailing a copy of the Summons to the Defendant / Respondent at the above address. Other Service or Remarks: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________ Sheriff's Costs ___________________________________________ Sheriff ___________________________________________ By Deputy RETURN ON SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY MAIL I hereby certify that the attached receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint / Equivalent Pleading mailed to the Defendant / Respondent identified on the first page of this Summons was accepted by the Defendant / Respondent; I hereby certify that the attached receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint / Equivalent Pleading was not accepted; I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint / Equivalent Pleading mailed to the Defendant / Respondent identified on the first page of this Summons was accepted by ______________________ on behalf of the Defendant / Respondent; ___________________________________________ Signature on the ______ day of ________________, 20______. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com