Last updated: 6/8/2020
Alternative Dispute Resolution Tracking Form
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ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION TRACKING FORM CASE NO: CAPTION: DATE(S) ADR OCCURRED: 1.STAGE OF DISCOVERY AT TIME OF ADR: (Indicate percentage of anticipated discovery completed) %2.RESULTS: (check one response only)NO ADR OCCURRED A.Case was recommended for ADR by court, but at least one party opted out. B.Case was recommended for ADR, no one opted out, but case settled before ADR was conducted.ADR OCCURRED WITH IMMEDIATE POSITIVE RESULTS (Within one week) C.Parties participated in ADR and complete resolution was achieved during or within one week after ADR. (see 5) D.Parties participated in ADR and resolution of one or more causes of action, but not the entire matter, or complete resolutionas to some, but not all parties, was achieved during or within one week after ADR.ADR OCCURRED WITH LATER POSITIVE RESULTS (Between one week and 30 days) E.Parties participated in ADR and complete resolution was achieved between one week and 30 days after ADR. (see 5) F.Parties participated in ADR and resolution of one or more causes of action, but not the entire matter, or complete resolutionas to some, but not all parties, was achieved between one week and 30 days after ADR.ADR OCCURRED BUT POSITIVE RESULTS COULD NOT BE DETERMINED AT TIME OF THIS REPORT G.Parties participated in ADR and appeared to make progress toward resolution but no definitive results had yet been achieved as of the date of this report. H.Parties participated in ADR but did not appear to make progress toward resolution. I.OTHER: (explain) 3.PARTY/ATTORNEY COMMENTS: (check one) A.All agreed that the scheduling/conduct of ADR contributed to the full/partial resolution. B.Some but not all agreed that the scheduling/conduct of ADR contributed to the full/partial resolution. C.None felt that the scheduling/conduct of ADR contributed to the full/partial resolution. D.Not applicable -- ADR did not achieve positive results. E.OTHER: (explain) 4.NEUTRAL'S COMMENTS: (check all that apply) A.Further ADR efforts likely to be beneficial, and all parties agree. B.Further ADR efforts likely to be beneficial, but not all parties agree. C.Further ADR efforts NOT likely to be beneficial. D.Court involvement may be beneficial at this time. E.OTHER: (explain) 5.SETTLED CASES: (check one) A.The parties request entry of a Rubin Order at this time. B.The parties do not request entry of a Rubin Order at this time. C.OTHER: (explain) NAME OF NEUTRAL:PHONE NUMBER:Rev. 3/2019 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Attachproperpostage Fold Here---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From:Danny H. Mullis, ADR Program DirectorUnited States District CourtP.O. Box 835Charleston, SC 29402--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fold Here American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com