Waiver Of Official Reporter In Felony Proceedings {SUPSCR-1116} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Santa Cruz   Criminal 
Waiver Of Official Reporter In Felony Proceedings {SUPSCR-1116} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 3/6/2020

Waiver Of Official Reporter In Felony Proceedings {SUPSCR-1116}

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SUPCR 1116 - WAIVER OF OFFICIAL REPORTER IN FELONY PROCEEDINGS (Code of Civil Procedure § 269(a)). This form is used for defendants to give up their right to have a court reporter transcribe court proceedings. In criminal court, the defendant agrees to waive the presence of a court reporter for the current court session. In Behavioral Health Court, the defendant consents to a continuing waiver of having a court reporter for all future hearings, understanding that a court clerk will document the proceedings in written minute orders. The form requires signatures from the defendant, their attorney, and the Assistant District Attorney to confirm that everyone agrees to this waiver. Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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