Satisfaction Of Judgment {9} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Dakota

 North Dakota   Statewide   District Court   Small Claims 
Satisfaction Of Judgment {9} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Dakota

Last updated: 12/7/2021

Satisfaction Of Judgment {9}

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FORM 9 - Small Claims Court Act ________________________ COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, SMALL CLAIMS COURT CASE NO._______________ NOTE: When the Judgment Debtor has fully paid the judgment sum, the Judgment Creditor must sign a Satisfaction of Judgment. The Satisfaction of Judgment should then be filed with the court _________________________________________, Plaintiff vs. _________________________________________, Defendant SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT The judgment, in the above designated case, is hereby satisfied, and I direct the Clerk of Court to enter satisfaction of the judgment in my favor, such judgment having been fully paid and satisfied. ______________________________________________________ Signature of Judgment Creditor Subscribed and sworn to before me on ________________________________20________. If notary, my commission expires: _________________. _______________________________________________ Clerk or Notary Public _____________________________ County, North Dakota WHITE - COURT'S COPY CANARY - PLAINTIFF'S COPY PINK - DEFENDANT'S COPY Revised 8/2015 American LegalNet, Inc.

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