Marital Settlement Agreement {CC-DR-116} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Maryland

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Marital Settlement Agreement {CC-DR-116} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Maryland

Last updated: 2/10/2023

Marital Settlement Agreement {CC-DR-116}

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Circuit Court for City or County Case No. vs. Name Address Name Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Telephone Telephone Plaintiff Defendant FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF (General) (Md Rule 9-203 (a)) (CC-DR-031) Children Age (Name) MONTHLY EXPENSES ITEM SELF CHILDREN TOTAL A. PRIMARY RESIDENCE Mortgage Insurance (homeowners) Rent/Ground Rent Taxes Gas & Electric Electric Only Heat (oil) Telephone Trash Removal Water Bill Cell Phone/Pager Repairs CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 1 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. Lawn & Yard Care (snow removal) Replacement Furnishings/Appliances Condominium Fee (not included elsewhere) Painting/Wallpapering Carpet Cleaning Domestic Assistance/Housekeeper Pool Other: SUB TOTAL B. SECONDARY RESIDENCE (i.e. Summer Home/Rental) Mortgage Insurance (homeowners) Rent/Ground Rent Taxes Gas & Electric Electric Only Heat (oil) Telephone Trash Removal Water Bill Cell Phone/Pager Repairs Lawn & Yard Care (snow removal) Replacement Furnishings/Appliances Condominium Fee (not included elsewhere) Painting/Wallpapering Carpet Cleaning Domestic Assistance/Housekeeper Pool Other: SUB TOTAL C. OTHER HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Food CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 2 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. Drug Store Items Household Supplies Other: SUB TOTAL D. MEDICAL/DENTAL Health Insurance Therapist/Counselor Extraordinary Medical Dental/Orthodontia Ophtalmologist/Glasses Other: SUB TOTAL E. SCHOOL EXPENSES Tuition/Books School lunch Extracurricular activities Clothing/Uniforms Room & Board Daycare/Nursery School Other: SUB TOTAL F. RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT Vacations Videos/Theater Dining Out Cable TV/Internet Allowance Camp Memberships Dance/Music Lessons etc. Horseback Riding Other: SUB TOTAL CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 3 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. G. TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE Automobile Payment Automobile Repairs Maintenance/Tags/Tires/etc. Oil/Gas Automobile Insurance Parking Fees Bus/Taxi Other: SUB TOTAL H. GIFTS Holiday Gifts Birthdays Gifts to Others Charities SUB TOTAL I. CLOTHING Purchasing Laundry Alterations/Dry Cleaning Other: SUB TOTAL J. INCIDENTALS Books & Magazines Newspapers Stamps/Stationery Banking Expense Other: SUB TOTAL CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 4 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. K. MISCELLANEOUS/OTHER Alimony/Child Support (from a previous Order) Religious Contributions Hairdresser/Haircuts Manicure/Pedicure Pets/Boarding Life Insurance Other: SUB TOTAL TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES: Number of Dependent Children, including children who have not attained the age of 19 years, are not married or self-supporting, and are enrolled in secondary school: INCOME STATEMENT GROSS MONTHLY WAGES: Deductions: Federal State Medicare F.I.C.A. Retirement Total Deductions: NET INCOME FROM WAGES: OTHER GROSS INCOME: (alimony, part-time job, rentals etc.) Deductions: a. b. c. Total deductions from Other income: NET OTHER INCOME TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 5 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. ASSETS & LIABILITIES ASSETS: Real Estate Furniture (in the marital house) Bank Accounts/Savings U.S. Bonds Stocks/Investments Personal Property Jewelry Automobiles Boats Other: TOTAL ASSETS: LIABILITIES: Mortgage Automobiles Notes payable to relatives Bank Loans Accrued Taxes Balance of Credit Card Accounts a. b. c. Other: TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL NET WORTH: SUMMARY: TOTAL INCOME: TOTAL EXPENSES: EXCESS OR DEFICIT: I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing Financial Statement, Monthly Expense List, and Assets and Liabilities Statement are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Date Signature CC-DR-031 (Rev. 09/2016) Page 6 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc.

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