Last updated: 1/25/2024
Temporary Order In Replevin And Notice For Hearing {CC-3-5}
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TEMPORARY ORDER IN REPLEVIN AND NOTICE FOR HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA Plaintiff vs. EMPORARY ORDERIN REPLEVIN AND NOTICE FOR HEARING Defendant TO:Upon the filing by the laintiff of an Affidavit in Replevin and a Specific Request for Delivery of Personal Property and issuance of an Order by the ourt to such effect, YOU AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby ORDERED TO HOLD THE PROPERTY as described in the certified copy of Affidavit attached hereto, to wit: in your possession, unimpaired and unencumbered, and in all respects in the same state and condition as at the time you received this order until further order of the ourt. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that if you fail to comply with this temporary order, you shall be subject to the full contempt powers of the court. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that a hearing will be had on plaintiff222s request for delivery of the property described in the above Temporary Order, in the County Court, , Nebraska, on .m. (at least 7 days after service and no more than , at 14 days unless otherwise ordered by the ourt). At said hearing, the ourt will determine the plaintiff222s right to possession to the described property pending a final determination on the merits of the case. At said hearing, you shall be required to show cause why the possession of the described property should not be delivered to the plaintiff. DATE: BY THE COURT (seal) RETURN Received this Writ on , at .m. I hereby certify that on , I served the within summons on a true and certified copy thereof with all the endorsements thereon, in the county aforesaid. Service$ Copy Mileage miles Other TOTAL $ DATE: SHERIFF: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com