Last updated: 4/24/2023
Marital Settlement Agreement Judgment Checklist {F-13}
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Marital Settlement/Status Only/Reserved Issues Judgment Checklist Coversheet Eff. 07/01/18 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO 495 Main Street Placerville, California 95667 Judgment Checklists for: Judgment with Marital Settlement Agreement Local Form F-13 Status Only Judgment Local Form F-14 Judgment on Reserved Issues Local Form F-15 Judgment with Marital Settlement Agreement used when a Response has been filed or the Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers, FL-130 has been filed with the $435.00 filing fee. Status Only Judgment used only to terminate marital status once an order to bifurcate has been granted by the Judge. Judgment on Reserved Issues completed to resolve all other issues after the status only judgment has been completed or for any issues that had been reserved in previous judgments. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Stipulated or Marital Settlement Agreement Judgment Checklist Eff. 07/01/18 Local Form F-13 Optional Use Superior Court of California County of El Dorado In the Marriage of: Case No. Petitioner: Attorney/Mediator Pro-Per v. Family Law Judgment Respondent: Stipulated or Marital Settlement Agreement Checklist Stipulated Judgment or Judgment with a Marital Settlement Agreement 1. Respondent Served with Process: 1a. Proof of Service of Summons: FL-115 (always required) was filed submitted herewith 1b. Notice & Acknowledgment of Receipt: FL-117 (required for service by mail) was filed submitted herewith 1c. Other, please indicate: 2. Response: FL-120 2a. was filed submitted herewith with $435.00 filing fee or fee waiver 2b. N/A, Respondent is appearing through the Appearance, Stipulations, & Waivers, FL-130 by marking item 1a and has included the $435.00 filing fee or has submitted a fee waiver 3. Appearance, Stipulations, & Waivers: FL-130 was filed submitted herewith 4. Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure: FL-141 4a. Preliminary Disclosures: (mandatory for both parties) For Petitioner: was filed submitted herewith For Respondent: was filed submitted herewith American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Stipulated or Marital Settlement Agreement Judgment Checklist Eff. 07/01/18 Local Form F-13 Optional Use 4b. Final Disclosures: For Petitioner: was filed submitted herewith For Respondent: was filed submitted herewith OR 5. Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure: FL-144 was filed submitted herewith 6. Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation: FL-170 was filed submitted herewith OR Jurisdictional facts taken in open court 7. Judgment: FL-180 7a. Child Custody & Visitation at page of the Judgment or FL-341 attached If not using form FL-341 to address custody and visitation, FC Section 3048(a) must be addressed. You may use the wording on items 1-5 of form FL-341 to accomplish this. 7b. Child Support at page of the Judgment or FL-342 attached 7b(1)Guideline support: Dissomaster attached (you may obtain a guideline support printout by visiting www.childsup.ca.gov/calculator .) 7b(2) Non-guideline support: If support is below the guideline amount then you must include the entire Family Code Section 4065 language 7b(3) DCSS is a party to the case (if DCSS is collecting child support or you are receiving aid for the child through TANF, an attorney for DCSS must sign off on the judgment). Note if DCSS is collecting support through a separate support case, you are only required to reference the case number and may proceed to item 5e. You may either provide your own signature page for the DCSS attorney to sign or attach one of the following: Attachment 4M (4) regarding child support Attachment 4M (4) regarding TANF American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Stipulated or Marital Settlement Agreement Judgment Checklist Eff. 07/01/18 Local Form F-13 Optional Use In order to obtain a copy of the above mentioned form, please do one of the following: Contact the family law facilitator at (530) 621-6433 to set up an appointment, or Come to the courthouse on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday to see the family law facilitator on a walk-in basis from 9am 2pm 7c. State who is to provide health insurance for the child(ren) at page of the Judgment or FL-342 attached 7d. State how uncovered medical expenses for the child(ren) are to be divided at page of the Judgment or FL-342 attached 7e. Spousal support at page of the Judgment or FL-343 attached Both parties addressed - Please read below: Please state as to both parties whether support is being requested, terminated, or reserved. 7f. Community Property at page of the Judgment or FL-345 attached (this must be addressed if it was mentioned under item 5b of the Petition.) None, as stated in the Petition. 7g. Par 8. Child Support Case Registry Form: FL-191 (this must be submitted even if no child support is requested at this time) was filed submitted herewith 9. Notice of Entry of Judgment: FL-190 10. Self- Addressed Stamped Envelopes: (for both parties) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com