Last updated: 5/24/2023
Application For Bond Refund Or Return
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WARREN COUNTY COURT APPLICATION FOR BOND REFUND/RETURN ****The application must be accompanied by a photo ID. No returns will be processed if defendant's fines and costs are NOT paid in full. STATE OF OHIO vs. CASE NO. _____________________________ _______________________ DEFENDANT'S NAME I, ___________________________ affirm that I posted bond for the above named defendant on ____________________ in the amount of $__________________. I make application for refund/return of the bond for the following reason: On ______________sentence was imposed pursuant to a guilty finding. On ______________ an entry of dismissal, nolle or not guilty was entered. On ______________a Court ORDER was filed for full or partial bond return. Other:___________________________________________________________. Refund/Return to be made payable to:_______________________________________ Address to mail refund/return:_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone number required: __________________________________________________ This application will be processed within 14 working days and mailed to the address indicated above. If you have any further questions, please call 513-695-1370. Date:______________________________ ____________________________________ Signature Receipt of bond posting attached. Rec'd by:_______________________ Defendant still owes fines/costs. Bond release denied. ________________________ Date ________________________________ JUDGE WARREN COUNTY COURT *Information concerning Bonds posted in the Warren County Court: All 10% Bonds that are posted, incur a 10% cost that is taken from the Bond posted. All Bonds posted, incur a $25.00 Bail Surcharge for the State of Ohio that is taken from the Bond posted. 822 Memorial Drive, Lebanon, OH 45036 (Formerly: 550 Justice Drive) 513-695-1370 / Fax: 513-695-2990 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com