Last updated: 7/24/2023
Notice Of Motion Enlarge Time To Perfect Appeal - Affidavit (Appellate Term) {Form 3A}
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FORM 3A - NOTICE OF MOTION TO ENLARGE TIME TO PERFECT APPEAL This form is a legal document used in the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court in specific judicial districts (2nd, 11th & 13th and 9th & 10th Judicial Districts) in New York. In legal proceedings, parties have a limited amount of time to complete certain actions, and in this case, it is related to perfecting an appeal. "Perfecting the appeal" means completing all necessary steps to properly file the appeal with the court. This form is used when a party needs more time to complete the necessary steps for perfecting the appeal. The form provides a format for notifying the court and the opposing party that the moving party (the appellant) intends to make a motion to request an extension of time to perfect the appeal. The form includes details such as the names of the parties, docket number, date, time, and location of the court term where the motion will be presented. It also includes an affidavit in support of the motion, where the moving party states the grounds or reasons why they need an extension and affirms that no previous application has been made for the same relief. Additionally, there is an "Affidavit of Service by Mail" section in the form, which is used to provide proof that the notice of motion has been served on the opposing party or their attorney. www.FormsWorkflow.com
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