Last updated: 12/26/2023
Application For Certificate Releasing Estate Tax Lien {CT-4422 UGE}
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Form CT-4422 UGE - APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE RELEASING CONNECTICUT ESTATE TAX LIEN. This form is used in the state of Connecticut to request the release of a lien on Connecticut real property includible in the decedent’s Connecticut taxable estate. It is specifically used for estates of decedents who passed away on or after January 1, 2005. The form is completed by Connecticut attorneys or corporate fiduciaries representing the decedent's estate, buyers, or sellers in a real estate closing. It requires information about the decedent, the property address, estimated Connecticut estate taxes, and an affirmation of payment responsibility. The form should be filed with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) either by fax, mail, or in person. Additional instructions and contact information can be found on the form itself. www.FormsWorkflow.com