Statement Of Change Of Registered Office Registered Agent And Or Principal Business Establishment {346} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Louisiana

 Louisiana   Secretary Of State   Commercial Division   Corporations Section   Subsequent Filings 
Statement Of Change Of Registered Office Registered Agent And Or Principal Business Establishment {346} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Louisiana

Last updated: 1/25/2024

Statement Of Change Of Registered Office Registered Agent And Or Principal Business Establishment {346}

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STATEMENT OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE, REGISTERED AGENT AND/OR PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT IN LOUISIANA (R.S. 12:308 & 12:1350) Foreign Corporation/Foreign Limited Liability Company Enclose $25 filing fee Make remittance payable to Secretary of State Do Not Send Cash Return to: Commercial Division P. O. Box 94125 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125 Phone (225) 925-4704 Web Site: STATE OF PARISH/COUNTY Notice is given that the below named corporation/limited liability company has changed its registered office, registered agent and/or principal business establishment. Company Name: Complete the following sections, where applicable: New Registered Office address: New Registered Agent and address: (agent's address must be identical to registered office unless agent is a law partnership or an individual attorney) New address of Principal Business Establishment in Louisiana: President or Vice President/Manager or Member (Registered agent if only registered office is changed) Sworn to and subscribed before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on this date: Notary AGENT'S ACCEPTANCE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPOINTMENT I acknowledge and accept my appointment as agent for the above named corporation/limited liability company. Agent Sworn to and subscribed before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on this date: Notary SS346 Rev. 09/11 (to be filed in duplicate) (See instructions on back) INSTRUCTIONS 1. If a foreign corporation or limited liability company changes its registered office address, its registered agent, or the address of its principal business establishment in this state, a Statement of Change must be filed with the Secretary of State. This form should be filed (in duplicate) with the Secretary of State's office along with the $25 filing fee. If the only change made is the address of the registered office, this form need only be executed and acknowledged before a notary public by the registered agent. If the registered agent is changed, the statement must be executed and acknowledged before a notary public by the president or a vice president for a corporation; by a manager, if management of the limited liability company is vested in one or more managers, or a member, if management is reserved to the members, for a limited liability company, and the new agent must execute the Agent's Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Appointment. If the principal business establishment address has changed, the statement must be executed and acknowledged before a notary public by the president or a vice president for a corporation; by a manager or member for a limited liability company. 2. 3. 4.

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