California Adjustments-Nonresidents Or Part-Year Residents 2023 (540NR Schedule CA) {540NR} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Statewide   Franchise Tax Board 
California Adjustments-Nonresidents Or Part-Year Residents 2023 (540NR Schedule CA) {540NR} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 5/9/2024

California Adjustments-Nonresidents Or Part-Year Residents 2023 (540NR Schedule CA) {540NR}

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Schedule CA (540NR) - CALIFORNIA ADJUSTMENTS — NONRESIDENTS OR PART-YEAR RESIDENTS. Use this form to determine California taxable income by doing the following: • Identify the domiciles and current and past residency information. • Enter the amounts of income and deductions reported on your federal tax return. • Adjust the income and deductions reported on your federal tax return for differences in California and federal law. • Determine the portion of income reported on your federal tax return that was earned or received while you were a California resident. • Determine the portion of income reported on your federal tax return that was earned or received from California sources while you were a nonresident. • Determine your allowable standard deduction or itemized deductions.

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