Last updated: 7/25/2024
Summons For Out Of State Defendant {2332}
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2332 - SUMMONS FOR OUT OF STATE DEFENDANT. This form is used in a civil case in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in DuPage County, Illinois. The form serves as a legal notice to the defendant(s) outside of Illinois that they are being summoned to appear in court on a specified date and time to respond to the complaint filed against them. The form includes details such as the court location, the complaint, information on the legal process, and instructions for the defendant on how to file an "Appearance" and "Answer/Response" with the court. The form also includes instructions for the officer serving the summons and a section for the officer to record details of service. The form must be served on the defendant at least three days before the scheduled court date, and failure to respond can lead to a default judgment against the defendant. SCR 101(b)(3). www.FormsWorkflow.com