Last updated: 7/8/2024
Stipulation And Order For Continuance Of Court-Ordered Mediation Completion Date {RI-ADR005}
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RI-ADR005 - STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR CONTINUANCE OF COURT-ORDERED MEDIATION COMPLETION DATE (Local Rule 3273K). This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside, for parties to request a continuance of the court-ordered mediation completion date. The form includes sections to stipulate the new proposed completion date, provide details on the original complaint filing date, the date mediation was ordered, and justify the need for the extension. It also requires information on any prior continuances and scheduled future court hearings. The form must be signed and dated by the involved parties or their attorneys. The court will then grant or deny the continuance and set a new mediation completion date if approved. The form may schedule a Trial Setting Conference or include other instructions, with the plaintiff responsible for notifying the mediator and all parties of any changes. Adopted for Mandatory Use. www.FormsWorkflow.com