Last updated: 7/18/2019
Motion To Quash Garnishment Or Execution Or To Enforce Exemption Rights
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF DAVIDSON COUNTY ,TENNESSEEPlaintiff(s) } vs. } Docket No. } Defendant(s) MOTION TO QUASH GARNISHMENT/EXECUTION OR TO ENFORCE EXEMPTION RIGHTS Comes now the Judgment Debtor and moves this Honorable Court for an order to quash the execution or garnishment of the Judgment Debtor222s money and to compel the return of this money or property. As grounds for the release/return of the money or property, the Judgment Debtor would show that said property is exempt under federal or state law because it is one or more of the following: (Check each applicable item): Social Security Benefits SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Benefits Unemployment Benefits AFDC Benefits Veteran222s Benefits Exempt governmental pension Exempt health care aids Exempt insurance benefits Exempt 223tools of trade224 Wages garnished exceed allowable amounts under law Other - - Specify Judgment Debtor further states that the above money or property was garnished from the following bank (or other third party): Judgment Debtor222s Signature CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this motion has been mailed or delivered to the Judgment Creditor or his/her Attorney at the address provided by said Creditor on NOTICE OF HEARINGThis Motion will be heard at .m. on in the above referenced Court. (Within fourteen days of the filing date of this Motion) Judgment Debtor222s Signature To request an ADA accommodation, please contact Dart Gore at (615) 880-3309. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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