Subpoena {14A-1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Will   General 
Subpoena {14A-1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 3/17/2017

Subpoena {14A-1}

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Save As Print Clear IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS _______________________________________ Plaintiff vs CASE NO: ______________________________ _______________________________________ Defendant SUBPOENA TO: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to testify before the Honorable ______________________________ in courtroom _________, at __________________________________________________________________ (Insert name of building, address, city) __________________________________________________________________________________, Illinois, on the __________ day of _____________________ at the hour of ____________ a.m. p.m. YOU ARE COMMANDED also to bring the following: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ in your possession or control. YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN RESPONSE TO THIS SUBPOENA WILL SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF THIS COURT. WITNESS__________________________________________ (Seal of Court) _______________________________________________________ (Clerk of the Circuit Court) I served the subpoena by handing a copy to__________________________________________________________ on the ______ day of ________________, I paid the witness $___________________ for witness and mileage fees. Signed and sworn to before me _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________ (Notary Public) Attorney or Party, if not represented by Attorney Name _____________________________________ ARDC # ___________________________________ Firm Name _________________________________ Attorney for ________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City & Zip _________________________________ Telephone _________________________________ ANDREA LYNN CHASTEEN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WILL COUNTY Original ­ Court Copy ­ Receiving Party 14A-1 (Revised 02/10/2017)

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