Certificate Of Publication Foreign LLP {DOS-1714-f} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

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Certificate Of Publication Foreign LLP {DOS-1714-f} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 12/20/2018

Certificate Of Publication Foreign LLP {DOS-1714-f}

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New York StateDepartment of State DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, STATE RECORDS AND UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE One Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12231-0001 www.dos.ny.govCERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION OF (Name of New York Registered Foreign Limited Liability Partnership) Under Section 121-1502 of the Partnership Law The undersigned is the of (Title) . (Name of New York Registered Foreign Limited Liability Partnership) If the name of the New York registered foreign limited liability partnership has been changed, the name under which it originally filed a notice with the Department of State is: . The notice of registration was filed by the Department of State on: . The published notices described in the annexed affidavits of publication contain all of the information required by Section 121-1502 of the Partnership Law. The newspapers described in such affidavits of publication satisfy the requirements set forth in the Partnership Law and the designation made by the county clerk. I certify the foregoing statements to be true under penalties of perjury. (Date) X (Signature) (Type or Print Name) DOS-1714-f (Rev. 04/17) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION OF (Name of New York Registered Foreign Limited Liability Partnership) Under Section 121-1502 of the Partnership Law Filer222s Name and Mailing Address: Name: Company, if Applicable: Mailing Address: City, State and Zip Code: NOTES: 1. The name of the New York registered foreign limited liability partnership and the date the original notice of registration was filed with the Department of State must exactly match the records of the Department of State. This information should be verified on the Department of State222s website at www.dos.ny.gov. 2. This form was prepared by the New York State Department of State for filing a certificate of publication for a New York registered foreign limited liability partnership. You are not required to use this form. You may draft your own form or use forms available from legal stationery stores. 3. The Department of State recommends that legal documents be prepared under the guidance of an attorney. 4. This certificate of publication, with the affidavits of publication of the newspapers annexed thereto, must be submitted with a $50 filing fee payable to the Department of State. For DOS Use Only Attach this page after the affidavits of publication. DOS-1714-f (Rev. 04/17) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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