Last updated: 7/21/2015
Attorney Lounge Reservation Request
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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE ATTORNEY LOUNGE RESERVATION/CHANGE/CANCELLATION REQUEST Instructions: A member of the Delaware Bar may request use of an attorney lounge, and in doing so agrees to comply with the Court's General Guidelines (posted on the court's web site: www.ded.uscourts.gov ). Attorney lounges available for reservation are located in the main hallways, on the 2nd , 4th and 6th floors, subject to room availability. To reserve an attorney lounge, submit a completed request form via e-mail, to AttorneyLounge@ded.uscourts.gov . A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the requestor. Use the same e-mail address to notify the Clerk's office of changes or cancellations regarding an existing reservation. DO NOT DOCKET this request form. ****************************************************************************************** Purpose of Reservation: Check One: ` In Support of TRIAL ` ____________________________________________ (In support of other Court Proceeding - as noted) ` New Request ` Change (describe below) ` Cancel Reservation (specify dates below) Case # w/Judge's inits.: ____________________________ Short Caption:_________________________________ Requested Date(s): (e.g. 10/1/14 thru 10/12/14) Hours/Timeframe Requested: (e.g. 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, or 12-2 PM) ____________________________________________ / ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ / ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ / ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name/Signature of Attorney Requesting Reservation _______________________________________________ Name/E-mail address of Firm's Contact Person ______________________________________________________ Name of person or company who will sign out-return key each day ___________________________________________ Name of Law Firm ______________________________________________ Date of Request ******************************************************************************************** E-mail completed request form to: COURT USE ONLY: (Atty Lounge Reservation/Change/Cancel Form 4-14) AttorneyLounge@ded.uscourts.gov ATTORNEY LOUNGE RESERVATIONS OFFICE OF THE CLERK US DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DE 844 N KING STREET UNIT 18 WILMINGTON DE 19801-3570 Help Desk phone number: (302) 573-6170 DATE REQUEST RECEIVED: ______________________________________ POSTED BY: ___________ *************************************************************** RESPONSE E-MAIL: DATE: _________________________ BY: _________________________ PRINT FORM CLEAR FORM American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com