Last updated: 4/13/2015
Other Services Detailed Budget Worksheet {CJA 28G}
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CJA 28G (Rev. 10/12) Other Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost This detailed budget worksheet is for use by counsel in preparing the summary of anticipated "other" services for representations that "appear likely to become or have become extraordinary in terms of potential cost" as set forth in section 230.26.10 of the Guidelines for Administering the CJA and Related Statutes, Volume 7A, Guide to Judiciary Policy. The figure at the end of each section should be transferred to the summary budget worksheet for submission to the court. (In some instances, the court may request the detailed worksheet as well as the summary.) The document automatically totals hours and dollar amounts. Date: Case Name: Case Number: Type of Service: Name of Provider: Hourly Rate: I. Nature and Purpose of Services A. Nature: Purpose: B. Nature: Purpose: C. Nature: Purpose: D. Nature: Purpose: II. Estimated Hours of Services (including travel time) A. Discovery/Document Review and Analysis: B. Meetings with Defense Counsel/Investigators/Paralegals: C. Meetings with Experts: Hours American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CJA 28G (Rev. 10/12) Other Services Detail/Page 2 D. Meetings with Prosecutors/Case Agents: E. Crime Scene/Evidence Inspection (if not captured above): F. Meetings with Witnesses (other than experts): G. Exhibit Preparation: H. Report Preparation I. Time in Court (for hearings and trial): J. Other (specify): Total Hours: 0.0 III. Travel Expenses A. Out-of-District Travel 1. Location: Estimated cost: 2. Location: Estimated cost: 3. Location: Estimated cost: 4. Location: Estimated cost: B. Local Travel (general estimate of cost): Dollars Total Travel Costs: $0.00 IV. Other Miscellaneous Costs and Expenses A. Type: Amount: Dollars American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CJA 28G (Rev. 10/12) Other Services Detail/Page 3 B. Type: Amount: C. Type: Amount: Total Miscellaneous Costs and Expenses: $0.00 Approved Case Budget for Other Services: Other Services Time Hourly Rate: Hours: $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fees Approved (hours multiplied by hourly rate): Travel Costs: Other Miscellaneous Costs and Expenses: Grand Total Budget for Other Services: $0.00 (Note: The worksheet for "Other Services" calls for a less detailed justification of the work provided than do the Attorney, Expert, or Investigator worksheets. The nature of the case and its complexity should be understood by the court from the Attorney/ Investigator/Expert worksheets.) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com