Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Indiana

 Indiana   Federal   Bankruptcy Court   Southern District 
Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Indiana

Last updated: 8/5/2019

Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration

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JointAdminOrder (rev02-2019) 1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Southern District of Indiana In re: ) ) [Name of Member Debtor], ) Case No. (xx-xxxxx) ) Debtor ) ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR JOINT ADMINISTRATION This matter came before the Court on a Motion for Joint Administration filed by (moving party); and the Court, having considered the motion, (and that appropriate notice was given and there were no objections), now finds that the relief requested should be granted. IT IS ORDERED as follows: The case captioned as (list member case name and number) shall be jointly administered under the lead case, (list lead case name and number). American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com JointAdminOrder (rev02-2019) 2 All documents, except as provided in Local Rule B-1015-1(b)(4), (5), and (6), shall be filed in the lead case and captioned as follows: Sample Caption: UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Southern District of Indiana In re: ) ) [Name of Lead Debtor], ) Case No. (xx-xxxxx) ) JOINTLY ADMINISTERED Debtor ) A member debtor shall not be included in the caption of a document filed in the lead case unless the member debtor is an individual (view sample captions ). All documents filed in a Member Case pursuant to Local Rule B-1015-1(b) shall have the name and case number of the Member Debtor only. A single case docket shall be maintained after the entry of the order for joint administration under the lead case. If joint administration is terminated, all documents filed after the order terminating joint administration shall be filed on the case to which the document applies. Proofs of Claim must be filed in the member case in which a claim is asserted. A separate claim register and creditor list will be maintained for each member case. ### American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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