Last updated: 4/13/2015
Instructions For Service
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LAKE COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT LAKE COUNTY, OHIO 25 N. Park Place, Painesville, Ohio 44077 ______________________________________ Judgment Creditor VS. ___________________________________________________ Judgment Debtor Case No. ______________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE (GARNISHMENT -OTHER THAN) To The Clerk: SERVICE ON GARNISHEE Serve the Garnishee, ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name and address of Garnishee) by _______________________________________ with three copies of the Order of garnishment and notice to appear and (Type of Service) Answer issued in this cause together with the sum of $1.00 which is supplied herewith. SERVICE OF JUDGMENT DEBOR Serve the Judgment Debtor, _____________________________________________________________________ (Name and address of Judgment Debtor) by ______________________________________ with two copies of the notice to the judgment debtor of garnishment, and (Type of Service) one copy of the request for hearing form. __________________________________________ (Name of attorney or party submitting) __________________________________________ (Address of attorney or party submitting) __________________________________________ (Address of attorney or party submitting) __________________________________________ (Phone Number of attorney or party submitting) __________________________________________ (Supreme Court I.D.) * Note: you may attach a sheet with any additional Garnishees American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com