Last updated: 4/13/2015
Standing Order In Civil Cases In The Twentieth Judicial Circuit
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTIETH ruDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CIVIL ACTION COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA CASE NO: Petitioner(s), VS. Defendant(s). STANDING ORDER IN CIVIL CASES IN THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT PURSUANT to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.200(a), Florida Rule of Judicial Administration2.545, and Administrative Order 1.13 entered by the Chief Judge of this Circuit, the parties are ordered to adhere to the following information and procedures applicable to civil lawsuits: ORDER. The Plaintiff is directed to serve a copy of this Order with each Summons issued in this case. One copy of this Order is to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court with proof of service. The Plaintiff shall pay the appropriate statutory clerk's fees on copies for each Standing Order issued and attached to the Summons. l. SERVICE OF'THIS 2. CIVIL CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The Supreme Court of Florida has established guidelines for the prompt processing and resolution of civil cases. This Court has adopted a case management system to help meet those guidelines. In contested cases (other than foreclosures, involuntary commitment of sexually violent predators and eminent domain cases), the parties are required to participate in the case management system. The case management system requires early consultation and cooperation among the parties for the preparation and submission of an Agreed Case Management Plan, early interaction with a Civil Case Manager and early involvement by the Court. The Agreed Case Management Plan requires the parties to identiff a case track, confer in a good faith attempt to narrow the matters in controversy, identiff the issues that require direct involvement by the Court and establish a schedule for addressing those issues.l The Agreed Case Management Plan may be accessed at the Court's website at: [www.ca.cjis20.org]. Unless all of the Defendants have been served and have defaulted, an Agreed Case Management Plan will be submitted to the Civil Case Manager c/o Magistrate's Office (ATTENTION: Sherry), Collier County Courthouse,3315 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 509' Naples' FL34ll2 on or before 150 days from the date of filing of the initial complaint. If the parties are unable to agree on an Agreed Case Management Plan, a case management conference will be scheduled by the Court. If a case management conference is scheduled, attendance by trial counsel and those parties who are not represented by counsel is mandatory. I Case Track options include Expedited, Standard or Complex. Case Tracks have been established in order to comply with the case disposition standards set forth in Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.250(aXlXB). L American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 3. ALTERNATM DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR). ADR provides parties with an outof-court alternative to settling disagreements. The Court requires the parties to participate in ADR prior to trial. Mediation is mandatory unless the parties agree to another form of ADR. Mediation is a conference at which an independent third party attempts to ilrange a settlement between the parties. The Twentieth Judicial Circuit has adopted Administrative Order 2.20,which sets forth standards of professional courtesy and conduct for all counsel or pro-se litigants practicing within the Circuit. The Court requires that all familiarize themselves and comply with Administrative Order 2.20. Administrative Order 2.20 may be viewed on the Court's website at: [www.ca.cjis20.org]. 4. RULES OF PROFESSIONALISM. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Naples, Collier County, Florida, on this March.2012. l3 da1 ot **Original on file in the Office of Circuit Court Administrative Judge, Collier County American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com