Order To Confirm Foreign Decree {JDF 1223} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

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Order To Confirm Foreign Decree {JDF 1223} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Order To Confirm Foreign Decree {JDF 1223}

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District Court _________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: In re: The Marriage of: The Civil Union of: Parental Responsibilities concerning: ______________________________________________ Petitioner: and Co-Petitioner/Respondent: COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division Courtroom ORDER TO CONFIRM FOREIGN DECREE The Petition to Register Foreign Decree was filed with this Court on __________________________ (date), by the Petitioner and/or Co-Petitioner/Respondent. The Court being fully advised and upon review of the Petition, Summons, exemplified copies of written pleadings, court orders, judgments, and decrees from the originating state and Response, if applicable, or hearing on _______________________________ (date), confirms the registration of the foreign decree. Either party may use the jurisdiction of this Court to modify, enforce, or to request new orders. Date: ______________________________ ______________________________________ Judge Magistrate CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on __________________ (date), I mailed, faxed, e-filed, or hand-delivered a copy of this Order to the following: Petitioner Petitioner's Attorney Co-Petitioner/Respondent Co-Petitioner/Respondent's Attorney County Office of Child Support Enforcement ___________________________________ Clerk JDF 1223 R7/13 ORDER TO CONFIRM FOREIGN DECREE © 2013 COLORADO JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT FOR USE IN THE COURTS OF COLORADO American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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