Last updated: 7/8/2012
Parenting Plan
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In the 219th Judicial District Court of the State of Texas Scott J. Becker, Judge Presiding No.219 - ________________ - ____ In The Matter Of The Marriage Of / In The Interest Of _______________________________ And ______________________________ PARENTING PLAN This form may be used for several purposes. Please indicate below how this form is being used: A. This is a temporary plan permanent plan. B. There are are not any remaining disputed issues concerning the parenting plan. If disputed issues remain, please indicate the section number of the disputed issue(s): C. This is the parenting plan requested by _______________________________ If the opposing party does not agree with this plan, he/she should file a separate one with the Court. This form does not include every possible issue you may want to address. An "Other Terms" section has been provided for items you would like to add. If you need more space than is provided, attach additional pages to the form. If the form includes issues that do not apply to your situation, write "Not Applicable" or "N/A" in that section. However, you must submit to the Court some form of written Permanent Parenting Plan addressing all of the issues which are relevant to the facts of your case. If you do not, the Court must enter its own plan, and this may not be the plan you think is in the best interests of you or your child(ren). When the Court either approves your plan, or enters its own, the plan will become a Court Order. SECTION 1. Name INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHILD(REN) Sex Date of Birth Present Address 219 Judicial District Court - Parenting Plan - website version 6/2012 th Page 1 of 11 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com SECTION 2. DECISION-MAKING This parenting plan form reflects decision-making on major issues other than parenting time. In this plan, major decision-making does not include day-to-day decisions, which may be made by the current residential parent without the need to consult with the other parent, unless you make such decisions a part of your plan. Day-to-day decisions include, but are not limited to, minor training or correction, minor medical and dental care, curfew, chores, allowance, day-to-day decisions about clothing or hygiene during the time the child is with you. The division of decision-making allows you to make several choices. You may decide that one parent should make all of the major decisions alone, OR you may decide that you and the other parent will make all major decisions together. The third option is to decide the major areas of decision-making and to decide which parent will have the responsibility for which decision. SELECT ONLY ONE OF THE THREE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: Option One MAJOR DECISION-MAKING BY ONE PARENT ONLY The Mother Father (check one) will make all of the major decisions regarding the child(ren). You have now selected a decision-making plan. Go directly to complete Sections 3 -7 starting on page 4 Option Two ALL MAJOR DECISION-MAKING BY BOTH PARENTS Both parties will make ALL major decisions regarding the child(ren) together. If the parents cannot reach an agreement on a decision, then they shall use the dispute resolution procedures in this parenting plan (Section 6). You have now selected a decision-making plan. Go directly to complete Sections 3 -7 starting on page 4 Option Three MAJOR DECISION-MAKING DIVIDED BETWEEN THE PARENTS Complete A, B, C, D and E below before proceeding to complete Sections 3- 7 A. EDUCATIONAL DECISION-MAKING (includes daycare unless specifically excluded) The parents will make all major educational decisions together. If the parents do not reach an agreement, then they shall use the dispute resolution procedure in this parenting plan.(Section 6) The current enrollment of the children shall not be changed without joint agreement. The child(ren) are currently enrolled as follows: The Mother Father (check one) shall have the final decision-making responsibility regarding all major education decisions. However, if such decision involves additional expenses, the parties shall agree on the division of those expenses or, if they cannot agree, shall use the dispute resolution procedure in this plan. (Section 6) Both parents may participate in school conferences, events, and activities, and may consult with teachers and other school personnel. For purposes of school attendance only, the child(ren)'s legal residence will be with the Mother Father (check one). Other arrangements as to educational decision-making: The parents have no agreement on this issue. 219 Judicial District Court - Parenting Plan - website version 6/2012 th Page 2 of 11 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com B. MEDICAL, DENTAL AND MENTAL HEALTH DECISION-MAKING The parents will make the final decision regarding major medical/dental decisions for the child(ren) together. If the parents do not reach an agreement, then they shall use the dispute resolution procedures in this parenting plan. (Section 6) The Mother Father (check one) shall have the final decision-making responsibility regarding major medical/dental decisions for the child(ren). However, if such decision involves additional expenses, the parties shall agree on the division of those expenses or, if they cannot agree, shall use the dispute resolution procedure in this plan. (Section 6) Both parents agree that, under emergency circumstances, it is sufficient for either party to sign legal releases to get medical treatment or to take other necessary measures. In the event of a dispute about the necessity of or type of medical treatment for the minor child(ren), the parent in possession of the child shall be allowed to obtain necessary medical treatment for the minor child(ren). Both parents agree to advise/inform the other parent immediately regarding: emergency medical/dental care sought for the child(ren) names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all medical/mental health care practitioners any health matter pertaining to the child(ren). Other arrangements as to medical and/or dental decision-making: The parents have no agreement on these issues. C. RELIGIOUS DECISION-MAKING The parents will make all major religious decisions for the child(ren) together. If the parents do not reach an agreement, then they shall use the dispute resolution procedures in this parenting plan. The Mother Father (check one) will have the authority to make decisions concerning the religious practices of the child(ren). Other agreements regarding