Last updated: 9/28/2012
LLC Statement Of Change Of Resident Agent-Resident Office
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DF The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth One Ashburton Place, Room 1717, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512 (General Laws Chapter 156C Section 5A and Section 51) (1) Exact name of limited liability company: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Current resident agent office address: Limited Liability Company Statement of Change of Resident Agent/Resident Office (3) New resident agent office address: Current resident agent: _________________________________________________________________________________ Resident agent will (check appropriate box): change to ____________________________________________________________________________________ . (name of new resident agent) remain the same. This certificate is effective at the time and on the date approved by the Division. Signed by (signature of authorized person): ____________________________________________________________________ , on this ___________________________________ day of ______________________________, ______________________ . Consent of resident agent: I, __________________________________________________________________________________________________ resident agent of the above limited liability company, consent to my appointment as resident agent pursuant to G.L. Chapter 156C Section 5A and Section 51. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Secretary of the Commonwealth One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512 William Francis Galvin (General Laws Chapter 156C, Section 5A and Section 51) I hereby certify that upon examination of this statement of change, duly submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative thereto have been complied with, and I hereby approve said statement; and the filing fee in the amount of $ ______ having been paid, said statement is deemed to have been filed with me this ________________ day of ________________, 20 _____, at _______a.m./p.m. time Limited Liability Company Statement of Change of Resident Agent/Resident Office WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN Secretary of the Commonwealth Filing fee: $25 for paper or fax filings. No fee if filed electronically. TO BE FILLED IN BY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Contact Information: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Upon filing, a copy of this filing will be available at www.sec.state.ma.us/cor. If the document is rejected, a copy of the rejection sheet and rejected document will be available in the rejected queue. c156cfdllcagentoffice 09/22/08 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com