Last updated: 10/10/2012
Request To District Court Calendar Clerk {22D}
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REVISED FORM 22D REQUEST TO DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR CLERK Case No. ______________ Calendar for the session beginning: ___________ in ____________, Iredell County, NC Courtroom_________ PLAINTIFF: 1. _____________________ DEFENDANT: _____________________ MATTER TO BE CALENDARED: (a) ___ UNCONTESTED DIVORCES (b) ___ TEN (10) DAY HEARINGS (c) ___ TEMPORARY CHILD SUPPORT (d) ___ POST SEPARATION SUPPORT (e) ___ PRETRIAL ED (f) ___ MOTIONS (REQUIRING LESS THAN ONE (1) HOUR TO BE HEARD) ISSUE: _____________________________ (g) ___ DELINQUENT JUDGMENTS (h) ___ MOTIONS (REQUIRING LONGER THAN ONE (1) HOUR TO BE HEARD) ISSUE: __________________________ (i) ___ TRIALS ISSUES: ____________________________________________________________________________ (j) ___ DVO _____RENEW DVO/50C __ JURY __NON-JURY ____SET ASIDE DVO/50C ______ APPROX. TIME NEEDED ____ RETURN OF WEAPONS ___ EMERGENCY CUSTODY ___ TEMPORARY CUSTODY ___ TRO 2. CASE NEEDS: 3. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: __________________________________________________________ 4. OPPOSING ATTORNEY: ________________________ Address: ________________________________ If no opposing Attorney, address of party: ________________________________________ 5. CALENDARING ATTORNEY CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: ____ ____ ____ ____ (1) (2) (3) (4) Opposing counsel has been previously consulted regarding the requested court date; All discovery has been completed or the time for discovery has expired; All witnesses have been subpoenaed and will be available on the requested court date; If an equitable distribution case, the parties have complied with the equitable distribution rules regarding exchange of inventories and pretrial affidavits, and are ready for trial or pretrial, If case not ready, list documents needed: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Attorney for ___________________ By: cc: _______________________________ Attorney for ___________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com