Last updated: 2/19/2018
Notification By Office Of U.S. Trustee Of Debtors Payment Of Quarterly Fees {LBF-12}
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38 Mon t . LBF 12. NOT IF I CA T I ON B Y U.S. T R UST E E OF P AY M E N T OF QUAR T E R LY FEES . [M o n t . L BR 3020 - 1] Na m e o f A tto r n ey O ff i ce o f U n i t ed S t a t es T rus t ee L i b er t y C e n t er, Su i t e 204 301 C e n t ral Av e n ue Great F a l l s , M T 59401 P h o n e ( 406) 761 - 8777 F ax (406) 761 - 8895 E - Ma i l A ddress S t a t e Bar I . D. Nu m b er ( A tto r n ey f o r U n i t ed S t a t es T rus t ee) IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MONTANA IN RE: , , Debtors. Case No. NOTIFICATION BY OFFICE OF UNITED STATES TRUSTEE OF QUARTERLY FEES T h e O f f i ce o f t h e U n i t ed S t a t es T rus t ee h ere b y n ot i f i es t h e C o ur t , pursua n t t o M o n t . L BR 3020 - 1, t h at t h e a b o v e - n a m ed De b to r h as pa i d a l l f ees due u n der 28 U. S . C. 247 1930(a ) (6 ) , o r h as pr o v i ded i n i t s p l an t h at s uch f ees w i l l b e pa i d o n o r b e f o re t h e e f f ec t i v e da t e o f s uch P l a n , as requ i red b y 11 U. S . C. 247 1129(a ) (12 ) . DATED this day of, 20. [Name of Attorney] (Attorney for United States Trustee) American LegalNet, Inc.
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