Authorization To Release Court Records | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

 Washington   Local County   King   District Court   Criminal 
Authorization To Release Court Records | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

Last updated: 11/8/2010

Authorization To Release Court Records

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KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE COURT RECORDS 1. Names of Parties: ____________________________________________________(DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT) First name Middle name Last name (please print) authorizes ______________________________________________________(REQUESTOR) to obtain copies of DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' court records and files in the State of Washington, whether in S paper or electronic format, including any municipal court, district court, superior court and juvenile court records and files, and including a compilation of DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' records S and files, such as the DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' criminal history record. S 2. Date of Birth. DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' date of birth is: S ________________________. 3. Address. DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' address is: S _______________________________________________________________________. 4. Identifying Number. DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' driver' license number or state S s identification number is: _____________________________. 5. Validity. This authorization shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of DEFENDANT' S/RESPONDENT' signature herein. A photocopy of this authorization shall be S as valid as the original. 6. Disclaimer. The court providing records pursuant to this authorization makes no representations as to the accuracy and completeness of the data except for court purposes. 7. Procedure. REQUESTOR shall provide a self-addressed stamped envelope with this authorization to release court records. The court will not accept fax requests. ___________________________________________________ Signature of DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT _______________________ Date Signed 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.

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