Last updated: 11/8/2010
Stipulated Pre Trial Statement Of Readiness
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APPENDIX TO LCrR 4.5 FORM 1. STIUPLATED PRE-TRIAL STATEMENT OF READINESS A stipulation filed in substantially the following form will comply with LCrR 4.5(A): LOWER KITTITAS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ) ) vs. ) ____________________________, ) Defendant, ) ___________________________________ ) [ ] State of Washington [ ] City of Ellensburg, Plaintiff, NO. _________________ STIPULATED PRE-TRIAL STATEMENT OF READINESS Pre-trial hearing is currently set for________________, 20____. Jury trial is currently set for________________, 20____. COMES NOW the parties in the above captioned action and, by signature of counsel, do hereby stipulate and agree that this case has not been resolved by agreement, and should remain on the trial calendar or be reset by the clerk as indicated below: 1. Motions: [ ] There will be no pretrial motions and the above noted pre-trial hearing should be stricken. [ ] Pre-trial motions have been filed and served. The clerk is requested to reset the pre-trial hearing for ____/____/____. [ ] A CrRLJ 3.5 Hearing is required. The clerk is requested to set the hearing for____/____/_____. 2. Bench/Jury Trial: [ ] Remain set for a jury trial at above noted date and time. [ ] Clerk is requested to re-set jury trial as follows: _____________________________________________. [ ] Jury trial waiver filed; set for bench trial. 3. Discovery: Discovery is complete. 4. Witnesses: Plaintiff: [ ] Witness list filed [ ] Witnesses as follows: Name Address/telephone Subject of testimony _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Defense: [ ] Witness list filed [ ] Witnesses as follows: Name Address/telephone Subject of testimony _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ ___________________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff W.S.B.A. # __________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant W.S.B.A. # 2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com