Writ Of Execution And Praecipe | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

 Iowa   Federal   USBC Southern 
Writ Of Execution And Praecipe | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

Last updated: 10/30/2013

Writ Of Execution And Praecipe

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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA In the Matter of: Debtor. Case No. Adversary No. Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. WRIT OF EXECUTION Name and Address of Judgment Creditor Amount of Judgment: $ Clerk's Fee: $ Other Costs: $ Interest from: $ Costs of this writ: $ vs. Name and Address of Judgment Debtor TO THE UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE _________________ DISTRICT OF ___________________ OR SHERIFF OF _____________________ COUNTY: You are directed to levy upon the property of the above named judgment debtor to satisfy a money judgment in accordance with the attached instructions. TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR: You are notified that federal and state exemptions may be available to you and that you have a right to seek a court order releasing as exempt any property specified from the levy. DATE:_____________________ Clerk of U.S. Bankruptcy Court UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S / SHERIFF'S RETURN I received this writ on __________________, and executed the same on ____________________. _ United States Marshal/Sheriff of ___________County BY: Deputy Marshal/Deputy Sheriff American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS (to be attached to and part of the writ of execution) Time and Place Where Judgment Rendered Names of Parties to the Action Names of Parties to the Judgment Amount of Judgment Amount of Remaining Uncollected on Judgment You are hereby ordered to [specify whether a garnishment, an execution on property or some other act is sought]: For Writs Authorizing a Garnishment: Any amount garnished for the payment of a support obligation, whether or not the amount represents a current or delinquent support obligation, shall first be paid out of the specific garnishment after subtracting applicable fees related to the issuance of the specific garnishment, before any amounts garnished for other purposes are paid out of the garnished funds. Iowa Code 642.24 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com PRAECIPE TO THE CLERK OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA You will issue a WRIT OF EXECUTION in the case of: (List Plaintiff's Names Below:) vs. (List Defendant's Names Below:) Case No. Date of Judgment: Interest Rate: Date Interest Effective From: Attorney Fees: $ Payment Information: % Judgment for: Judgment Amount: $ Court Costs: $ (Name of Person to Receive Payment) (Address) (City, State and Zip Code) Signature of Judgment Creditor/ Judgment Creditor's Attorney Date American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING WRIT OF EXECUTION AND PRAECIPE 1. Complete the information above the first set of double lines on page one of the Writ of Execution and all of the information on page two. Cross out the reference to either the United States Marshal or the Sheriff, whichever does not apply to your case. Complete the praecipe. Return the original and two copies of the completed Writ of Execution along with the original Praecipe to the Clerk's office. Upon receipt of the complete Writ and Praecipe, the Clerk's office will sign and seal the Writ and return the copies to you. 2. 3. 4. 5. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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