Demand For Non-Probate Property Inventory {327ES} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Probate Court 
Demand For Non-Probate Property Inventory {327ES} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 2/20/2014

Demand For Non-Probate Property Inventory {327ES}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _____________________________ IN THE MATTER OF: _________________________________________ (Decedent) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT DEMAND FOR NON-PROBATE PROPERTY INVENTORY CASE NUMBER: ___________________________________ 1. I am an interested person as defined by SCPC 62-1-201(23): Devisee Heir ­ relationship: _________________________________ Creditor Other: __________________________________________ 2. Under the provisions of SCPC 62-3-706, I demand from the Personal Representative a list of non-probate property owned by the Decedent at date of death be mailed or delivered to me at the below address within ninety (90) days. Executed this _____ day of _______________________________, 20_____. Signature: Print Name: Address: Telephone (Work): (Home): (Cell): Email: Instructions for Personal Representative Within ninety (90) days of a demand by an interested person for an inventory of non-probate property, the Personal Representative shall: (1) prepare a list of the property owned by Decedent at the time of death that is not probate property, so far as is known to the Personal Representative, which may, at the discretion of the Personal Representative, include the value and nature of the Decedent's interest in the property on the date of Decedent's death; (2) mail a copy of the list to each interested person who has requested the list; and (3) file proof of the mailing (FORM 125ES) with the Probate Court. Upon application of the Personal Representative, the Court may extend the time for filing the list of non-probate property. FORM #327ES (1/2014) 62-1-201, 62-3-706 American LegalNet, Inc.

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