Motion To Accept Certificate Of Completion From Alternative CIP Seminar {NHJB-2637-F} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Hampshire

 New Hampshire   Statewide   Family Division   Divorce And Parenting 
Motion To Accept Certificate Of Completion From Alternative CIP Seminar {NHJB-2637-F} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Hampshire

Last updated: 11/17/2014

Motion To Accept Certificate Of Completion From Alternative CIP Seminar {NHJB-2637-F}

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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) MOTION TO ACCEPT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FROM ALTERNATIVE CIP SEMINAR I, (name), completed a child impact seminar other than the one pre-approved by the court on (date). I request that the court accept my certificate of completion in satisfaction of the requirement of RSA 458-D:2. In support of this motion I state the following: Check each box that applies to your situation and/or the course you completed: I am not a New Hampshire resident. I live in (state/country). I am incarcerated and unable to attend the court approved CIP seminar. (I understand that I could choose to file an exemption affidavit pursuant to RSA 458-D:8,I to be exempted from the child impact seminar). The course I completed: was at least 4 hours in length; was taught by a certified family therapist or other persons certified by the judicial branch family division; was a seminar on how to help children deal with the issues surrounding divorce, separation, and the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities; included a segment on divorce options such as arbitration, mediation, and litigation; addressed issues concerning children, including: Understanding the process of divorce or separation: interaction between parent and child, areas of adjustment, and areas of concern; Understanding how children react to the divorce or separation, how to spot problems, what to tell them about divorce or separation, how to keep communication open, and answering questions and concerns they may have about the process; How parents can help their children during the divorce or separation: specific strategies, ideas, tools, and resources for assistance; How parents can help children after the divorce or separation: new family structures, and how to deal with different sets of rules; Making clear that the general goal of cooperation between parents may sometimes be inappropriate, particularly in cases of domestic violence; Other: NHJB-2637-F (03/25/2013) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: MOTION TO ACCEPT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FROM ALTERNATIVE CIP SEMINAR A copy of my certificate of completion is attached. Date Signature I certify that on this date I provided a copy of this document to (other party) or to (other party's attorney) by: Hand-delivery OR US Mail OR E-mail (E-mail only by prior agreement of the parties based on Circuit Court Administrative Order). Date Signature ORDER Motion to Accept Certificate of Completion from Alternate Child Impact Seminar is: Granted Denied. Further Orders: Recommended: Date Signature of Marital Master Printed Name of Marital Master So Ordered: I hereby certify that I have read the recommendation(s) and agree that, to the extent the marital master/judicial referee/hearing officer has made factual findings, she/he has applied the correct legal standard to the facts determined by the marital master/judicial referee/hearing officer. Date Signature of Judge Printed Name of Judge NHJB-2637-F (03/25/2013) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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