Return-Notice Of Sale {NHJB-2126-P} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Hampshire

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Return-Notice Of Sale {NHJB-2126-P} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Hampshire

Last updated: 11/26/2014

Return-Notice Of Sale {NHJB-2126-P}

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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) RETURN / NOTICE OF SALE (This form is required for all sales of real estate or timber and wood, with or without a license to sell.) Property location (as listed on the Inventory) Recorded at County Registry of Deeds, Book , Page PUBLIC SALE I, a. Notice of the public sale was posted at , two public places in the town of , and an advertisement of the sale was placed in the of b. The property was sold at public auction: On the following date To the highest bidder, namely, For the sum of $ c. I executed: ; the net proceeds from the sale are $ a deed, if real estate a bill of sale or other appropriate documents, if timber and wood , a newspaper with circulation in the town , certify the following: and Date Signature (must be signed in the presence of a Notarial Officer.) State of This instrument was acknowledged before me on My Commission Expires Affix Seal, if any , County of by Signature of Notarial Officer / Title NHJB-2126-P (03/15/2010) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: RETURN OF SALE PRIVATE SALE I, a. The property was sold by private sale: On the following date To Buyer's relationship to deceased, ward, and/or fiduciary , certify the following: For the sum of $ b. I executed: ; the net proceeds from the sale are $ a deed, if real estate a bill of sale or other appropriate documents, if timber and wood Date Signature (must be signed in the presence of a Notarial Officer.) State of This instrument was acknowledged before me on My Commission Expires Affix Seal, if any , County of by Signature of Notarial Officer / Title Return / Notice of Sale approved. Date Judge NHJB-2126-P (03/15/2010) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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