Last updated: 12/19/2014
Pre-Confirmation Certification For Modified Chapter 12 or 13 {3015-3(C)}
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Local Form 3015-3(C) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA In re: Case No. Chapter [12 or 13] Debtor / PRE-CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATION FOR CONFIRMATION FOR CHAPTER [12 or 13] PLAN AND CERTIFICATION REGARDING PAYMENT OF DOMESTIC SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS As required under Local Rule 3015-2(A), the debtor in the above captioned matter certifies as follows: Payment of all postpetition domestic support obligations (check which paragraph applies). _____ A. Since the filing of this bankruptcy, the debtor has not been required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute to pay any domestic support obligation as defined in 11 U.S.C. §101(14A); or _____ B. As required by 11 U.S.C. §1225(a)(7) for chapter 12 cases or 1325 for chapter 13 cases, the debtor has paid, either directly or through the assigned trustee, all amounts that are required to be paid under a domestic support obligation and that first became payable after the date of the filing of the petition if the debtor is required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute, to pay such domestic support obligation. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this certificate is true and correct and request that the modified plan be confirmed. Debtor's Signature Dated: Joint Debtor's Signature (if applicable) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com