Motion To Amend Judgment Caption | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Wisconsin

 Wisconsin   Local County   Dane   Small Claims 
Motion To Amend Judgment Caption | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Wisconsin

Last updated: 7/31/2015

Motion To Amend Judgment Caption

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STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT DANE COUNTY _______________________________ Plaintiff(s) MOTION TO AMEND JUDGMENT CAPTION and _______________________________ Defendant(s) Case No. _______________________ The creditor, _____________________________________________________, will ask the Court to amend the judgment of the above named case to read as follows: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ at a hearing to be held at _______________________ on __________________________________________. If you wish to dispute this matter, you must appear in the Clerk of Court's Office, Room 2000, Dane County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703, on the date and time above stated. Dated this __________day of _______________________, 20_______. Creditor's Signature & Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ NOTE: You must first obtain a date and time for the hearing. An original and sufficient copies for service purposes of this document must be submitted at the time of filing. You must be able to prove you mailed or delivered copies to the other parties. Proof of mailing includes, but is not limited to, a return receipt for certified or registered mail, a post office certificate of mailing, or a notarized affidavit of mailing. 10/22/09 American LegalNet, Inc.

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