Last updated: 12/7/2018
Application And Order To Continue Or Vacate Order To Show Cause {PCV-34}
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P CV - 34 R01 - 05 APPLICATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE OR VACATE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING CA SE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Local Rule 3 Page 1 of 2 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and a ddress:) FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO.: EMAIL ADDRESS ( Optional ): ATTORNEY FOR ( Name ): B.F. Sisk Courthouse Fresno, CA 93721 Fresno Main Courthouse 1100 Van Ness Ave Fresno, CA 93724 2317 Tuolumne St. Fresno, CA 93721 PLAINTIFF/PETITIO NER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: APPLICATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE OR VACATE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HEARING REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE CASE NUMBER: Order to Show Cause Date: Department: Time: Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) request the following: Continue the Order to Show Cause hearing to . Vacate the Order to Show Cause hearing. Reason for the request to continue or vacate the Order to Show Cause hearing (must be completed ): I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correc t. Dated: ( TYPE OR PRINT NAME ) ( SIGNATURE ) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CASE TITLE CASE NUMBER: P CV - 34 R01 - 05 APPLICATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE OR VACATE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Local Rule 3 Page 2 of 2 Reason(s) for the Order to Show Cause hearing: Failure to appear at the Case Management Conference. Failure to serve a ll defendants within 60 days. Failure to timely request entry of default or default judgment. Failure to serve all defendants with Notice of Case Management Conference. Failure to comply with court order(s). Trial Date is set for at m. in Department . not set. ORDER The application for a continuance to vacate the Order to Show Cause hearing is: Denied. Granted. The Order to Show Cause hearing on the Case Management Conference is set for at m. i n Department . The Case Management Conference is set for at m. in Department . Applicant is to notify all other parties of the new date, time, and department . Date: Judge of the Superior Court Your personal appearance is required at the Order to Show Cause hearing. Special appearances on your behalf are not allowed. Telephonic appearances are not allowed. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com