Last updated: 1/11/2016
Adversary Proceeding Cover Sheet {APCS-B1040}
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B1040 (FORM 1040) (12/15) ADVERSARY PROCEEDING COVER SHEET (Instructions on Reverse) PLAINTIFFS ADVERSARY PROCEEDING NUMBER (Court Use Only) DEFENDANTS ATTORNEYS (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone No.) ATTORNEYS (If Known) PARTY (Check One Box Only) PARTY (Check One Box Only) Debtor U.S. Trustee Debtor U.S. Trustee Creditor Other Creditor Other Trustee Trustee CAUSE OF ACTION (WRITE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF CAUSE OF ACTION, INCLUDING ALL U.S. STATUTES INVOLVED) NATURE OF SUIT (Number up to five (5) boxes starting with lead cause of action as 1, first alternative cause as 2, second alternative cause as 3, etc.) 11-Recovery of money/property - §542 turnover of property 12-Recovery of money/property - §547 preference 13-Recovery of money/property - §548 fraudulent transfer 14-Recovery of money/property - other FRBP 7001(1) Recovery of Money/Property 21-Validity, priority or extent of lien or other interest in property FRBP 7001(2) Validity, Priority or Extent of Lien 65-Dischargeability - other FRBP 7001(6) Dischargeability (continued) 61-Dischargeability - §523(a)(5), domestic support 68-Dischargeability - §523(a)(6), willful and malicious injury 63-Dischargeability - §523(a)(8), student loan 64-Dischargeability - §523(a)(15), divorce or separation obligation FRBP 7001(3) Approval of Sale of Property 31-Approval of sale of property of estate and of a co-owner - §363(h) FRBP 7001(4) Objection/Revocation of Discharge 71-Injunctive relief imposition of stay 72-Injunctive relief other FRBP 7001(7) Injunctive Relief 41-Objection / revocation of discharge - §727(c),(d),(e) 51-Revocation of confirmation FRBP 7001(5) Revocation of Confirmation FRBP 7001(6) Dischargeability 81-Subordination of claim or interest 91-Declaratory judgment FRBP 7001(9) Declaratory Judgment FRBP 7001(8) Subordination of Claim or Interest FRBP 7001(10) Determination of Removed Action 66-Dischargeability - §523(a)(1),(14),(14A) priority tax claims 01-Determination of removed claim or cause 62-Dischargeability - §523(a)(2), false pretenses, false representation, actual fraud Other 67-Dischargeability - §523(a)(4), fraud as fiduciary, embezzlement, larceny SS-SIPA Case 15 U.S.C. §§78aaa et.seq. 02-Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court (continued next column) if unrelated to bankruptcy case) Check if this case involves a substantive issue of state law Check if a jury trial is demanded in complaint Other Relief Sought Check if this is asserted to be a class action under FRCP 23 Demand $ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com B1040 (FORM 1040) (12/15) BANKRUPTCY CASE IN WHICH THIS ADVERSARY PROCEEDING ARISES NAME OF DEBTOR BANKRUPTCY CASE NO. DISTRICT IN WHICH CASE IS PENDING DIVISION OFFICE NAME OF JUDGE PLAINTIFF RELATED ADVERSARY PROCEEDING (IF ANY) DEFENDANT ADVERSARY PROCEEDING NO. NAME OF JUDGE DISTRICT IN WHICH ADVERSARY IS PENDING SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY (OR PLAINTIFF) DIVISION OFFICE DATE PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY (OR PLAINTIFF) INSTRUCTIONS The filing of a bankruptcy case creates an "estate" under the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court which consists of all of the property of the debtor, wherever that property is located. Because the bankruptcy estate is so extensive and the jurisdiction of the court so broad, there may be lawsuits over the property or property rights of the estate. There also may be lawsuits concerning the debtor's discharge. If such a lawsuit is filed in a bankruptcy court, it is called an adversary proceeding. A party filing an adversary proceeding must also must complete and file Form B1040, the Adversary Proceeding Cover Sheet, unless the party files the adversary proceeding electronically through the court's Case Management/Electronic Case Filing system (CM/ECF). When completed, the cover sheet summarizes basic information on the adversary proceeding. The clerk of court needs the information to process the adversary proceeding and prepare required statistical reports on court activity. The cover sheet and the information contained on it do not replace or supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, the Bankruptcy Rules, or the local rules of court. The cover sheet, which is largely selfexplanatory, must be completed by the plaintiff's attorney (or by the plaintiff if the plaintiff is not represented by an attorney). A separate cover sheet must be submitted to the clerk for each complaint filed. Plaintiffs and Defendants. Give the names of the plaintiffs and defendants exactly as they appear on the complaint. Attorneys. Give the names and addresses of the attorneys, if known. Party. Check the most appropriate box in the first column for the plaintiffs and the second column for the defendants. Demand. Enter the dollar amount being demanded in the complaint. Signature. This cover sheet must be signed by the attorney of record in the box on the second page of the form. If the plaintiff is represented by a law firm, a member of the firm must sign. If the plaintiff is pro se, that is, not represented by an attorney, the plaintiff must sign. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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