Protective Order For Investment Of Minors Funds {PRO-601} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Minnesota

 Minnesota   Statewide   District Court   Probate 
Protective Order For Investment Of Minors Funds {PRO-601} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Minnesota

Last updated: 8/12/2016

Protective Order For Investment Of Minors Funds {PRO-601}

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STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ___________ DISTRICT COURT ________JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE COURT Court File No.: _______________ PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR INVESTMENT OF MINOR'S FUNDS In re: Estate of _______________________, Decedent ________________________________________________________________________ This matter came before the Court on __________. After considering the matter, the Court makes the following findings and order: 1. ______________, is a minor child entitled to a distributive share of the decedent's estate in the sum of $______________. 2. The minor child was born on ___________ and will reach the age of majority on _________________. 3. __________________ is the parent and legal guardian of ________________. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: 1. The Personal Representative is to make payment of $____________(not to exceed $2,000) to _______________________, the parents [custodian, or person, corporation, or institution with whom the minor child is] for the benefit, support, maintenance, and education of the minor child. 2. The Personal Representative is directed to invest the amount of $___________, the [current value/ balance] of the distributive share of the minor child, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 524.3915(b), by depositing it in an interest bearing, restricted/blocked account at [_______________,] a Federally insured financial institution (FDIC) [a savings account, savings certificate, or certificates of deposit in a bank, savings bank, or savings association], in only the name of the minor child. 3. The Personal Representative is directed to invest the amount of $ ________________, to purchase United States government savings bonds in only the minor's name. The bonds are to be deposited with a financial institution in a safety deposit box [to be kept as provided by the court] and retained until the minor reaches the age of majority, unless otherwise authorized by an order of the court. 4. The Personal Representative or parent shall deliver a copy of the court's order to the financial institution with the remittance for deposit. PRO601 State ENG 11/15 Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 5. The Personal Representative or parent shall supply the financial institution with a tax identification number or social security number for the minor child, at the time of deposit. 6. The Personal Representative or parent shall file or caused to be filed, timely state and federal income tax returns on behalf of the minor child, as may be necessary. 7. The financial institution shall file the evidence of deposit with the ________________ County Court Administrator within 5 business days of deposit. The evidence of deposit must include a form substantively in compliance with Form 145.1, acknowledging receipt of this Order and the deposit, and that no disbursement of the funds will occur unless the court so orders. 8. The financial institution shall not make any disbursement from the account(s), except upon order of the court. The funds shall be placed in a restricted/blocked account and any evidence of deposit shall bear the instruction: "NO WITHDRAWAL OF PRINCIPAL OR INTEREST, EXCEPT BY ORDER OF THE COURT." 9. The renewal period of the certificate of deposit shall be limited to the date of the age of the minor's majority (___________________) (date). 10. Application for release of funds, either before or upon the age of majority may be made using the form substantially similar to Form 145.2. BY THE COURT: Dated: Judge of District Court PRO601 State ENG 11/15 Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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