Last updated: 8/23/2016
Articles Of Dissolution {CORP-6(N)}
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File No.: Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION Business ID: of a Vermont Nonprofit or Nonprofit Cooperative Corporation PLEASE RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: (REQUIRED - NAME AND ADDRESS) NAME ADDRESS Processed by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN OR PRINTED (11A V.S.A. § 1.20) PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS PAGE BEFORE BEGINNING ARTICLE 1. BUSINESS NAME: REQUIRED ARTICLE 2. POINT OF CONTACT FOLLOWING DISSOLUTION: REQUIRED Upon withdrawal, the Vermont Secretary of State should forward all process served to the following: a. b. NAME: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: NO PO BOX City/Town: Country: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: - c. MAILING ADDRESS: City/Town: Country: ARTICLE 3. DATE THAT DISSOLUTION WAS AUTHORIZED: REQUIRED . ARTICLE 4. MEANS OF APPROVAL OF DISSOLUTION: REQUIRED - SELECT ONE (1) OF THE FOLLOWING: Approval of members was not required, this dissolution was approved by a sufficient vote of the board of directors or incorporators; Approval by members was required, and was approved as follows: REQUIRED-IF SELECTED a. b. Total Number of votes entitled to be cast by members: Total number of UNDISPUTED votes cast ON dissolution: (1) Total Number of Votes Cast FOR Dissolution: SELECT AND FILL-IN ONE (1) OF THE FOLLOWING: c. (2) Total number of UNDISPUTED votes cast FOR dissolution: The number of votes cast FOR dissolution was sufficient for approval (2) Total number of votes cast AGAINST dissolution: ARTICLE 5. EFFECTIVE DATE: OPTIONAL MAY BE POST-DATED UP TO 90 DAYS FROM DATE OF RECIEPT CERTIFICATION OF STATEMENT: REQUIRED I hereby certify, under penalty of law (11B V.S.A. § 1.29), as an officer or director currently on record with the Vermont Secretary of State, that the above information is accurate and is provided in duplicate with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. There is NO FEE for this filing. Printed/Typed Name of Filer Signature PLEASE REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE BEFORE FILING. Title Date American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 11B V.S.A. 14.03 (REV. 07/01/15) DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Page 1 of 1 FORM CORP-6(N) CORPORATION DISSOLUTION (NONPROFIT) Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION of a Vermont Nonprofit or Nonprofit Cooperative Corporation A. B. This filing must be filed in duplicate (one original and one copy) and a self addressed stamped envelope. This filing can only be accepted by Mail or In-person at: Submission Instructions Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 128 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-1104 Note: This filing cannot be accepted by Phone, Fax or E-mail. C. Please allow 3-5 business days, from the day this is received in our office, for processing and 24 hours, following processing, for Website information to be updated and returned evidence to be sent. THIS FORM CANNOT be accepted by Phone, Fax, or E-mail; however, this filing is now available online: - If you wish to submit this filing electronically, DO NOT fill out THIS FORM, please file online at https://www.vtsosonline.com/online/Account. Payment for THIS FORM also CANNOT be accepted by credit card or e-check (ACH); however, payment by credit card or e-check (ACH) is available by filing online: - If you wish to submit payment by credit card or e-check (ACH), DO NOT fill out THIS FORM, please file online at https://www.vtsosonline.com/online/Account. Online filing normally takes 1 business day or less. ***THIS FILING IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE*** **************************************** Article 1. Business Name exactly as currently on record with the Vermont Secretary of State, if unsure, please see https://www.vtsosonline.com/online/BusinessInquire/ Article 2. REQUIERED Article 3. Date that dissolution was approved by a vote of the directors, shareholders, or other parties as stipulated by entity bylaws. Article 4. a. if approval of members was not required: a statement to that effect and a statement that dissolution was approved by a sufficient vote of the board of directors or incorporators; (11B V.S.A. § 14.03(a)(4)) b. if approval by members was required: (11B V.S.A. § 14.03(a)(5)) (1) the designation, number of memberships outstanding, number of votes entitled to be cast by each class entitled to vote separately on dissolution, and number of votes of each class indisputably voting on dissolution; and (2) either the total number of votes cast for and against dissolution by each class entitled to vote separately on dissolution or the total number of undisputed votes cast for dissolution by each class and a statement that the number cast for dissolution by each class was sufficient for approval by that class; Article 5. a. A corporation is dissolved upon the effective date of its articles of dissolution. (11B V.S.A. § 14.03(b)) b. Effective date of articles will be date of receipt by the Office of the Secretary of State, unless otherwise postdated in this Article. c. The effective date of these articles may be postdated (i.e. a future date) up to 90 days from date of receipt. Certification: Articles must be signed by an officer or director currently on file with the Vermont Secretary of State. Form Instructions For Questions, please contact Corporations Division at: corps@sec.state.vt.us American LegalNet, Inc. or by phone at 802-828-2386. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 11B V.S.A. 14.03 (REV. 07/01/15) DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS INSTRUCTION PAGE FORM CORP-6(N) CORPORATION DISSOLUTION (NONPROFIT)