Last updated: 11/30/2016
Trial Management Conference Report {3006-CV}
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3006-CV ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO.(Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SOLANO STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: 600 Union Avenue P.O. Caller 5000 Fairfield, CA 94533 321 Tuolumne Street 321 Tuolumne Street Vallejo, CA 94590 PLAINTIFF(S): DEFENDANT(S): TRIAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE REPORT DATE OF CONFERENCE: TIME: CASE NUMBER: Each party must complete, file and serve a copy of this report on all other parties at least five (5) court days before the date set for the Trial Management Conference. Failure to timely file or serve this report may result in sanctions. Provide your answers to the following questions in a separate document(s) attached to this form. Label any attached pages with the number of the question being answered as the exhibit number, e.g. Question 8 would be attached and labeled as Exhibit 8. Pages within an exhibit should be marked with the exhibit number and page number, e.g. page 1 of Exhibit 8 marked as page 8-1, page 2 marked as page 8-2, and so forth. (1) State the nature of the case, with a summary of each party's allegations and supporting facts. Include an agreed-upon statement of the case to be read to the jury panel, if a jury has been requested by any party. If there have been developments since the trial setting affecting the estimated length of trial, provide an explanation as to what those developments are and how the estimated length of trial should be changed as a result. Provide the names of any non-expert witnesses who may be called at trial, except for impeachment or rebuttal. State concisely the anticipated testimony of each non-expert witness and the time estimate for testimony, including direct and cross-examination. Provide the names and expertise of any expert witnesses who may be called at trial, except for impeachment or rebuttal. State concisely the anticipated testimony of each expert witness and the time estimate for testimony, including direct and cross-examination. In addition, attach any narrative reports provided by the expert witness. Provide a list of all witnesses who are unavailable and whose testimony will be presented by deposition, along with the facts supporting that unavailability. TRIAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE REPORT CIVIL 3006-CV [Rev. 07/2015] Adopted for Mandatory Use American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 1 of 2 3006-CV PLAINTIFF(S): DEFENDANT(S): CASE NUMBER: (6) Provide a list of all documents, exhibits, blowups, and/or photographs that the party expects to offer at trial, except for impeachment or rebuttal. Identify documents by page number or Bates-stamp number as applicable (e.g. "Jane Doe's Medical Records, pages 1 through 326"). Photos shall be separately identified. Provide a specific list in column form of all portions of depositions, answers to interrogatories and responses to request for admissions that the party expects to offer at trial, except for impeachment or rebuttal. All portions of depositions shall be identified by page and line number(s), while responses to written discovery must be identified by the manner of discovery request and the response number (e.g. "Response to Plaintiff's Special Interrogatories, Set One, Interrogatory Number 4"; "Amended Response to Defendant's Request for Admissions, Set Three, Request Number 7"). Provide a specific list of all anticipated evidentiary disputes with citation to authority. Provide a specific list of all anticipated non-evidentiary disputes with citation to authority. (7) (8) (9) (10) Provide all requested jury instructions and verdict forms in compliance with the California Rules of Court. Each instruction shall be typed in full and numbered consecutively, with the submitting attorney having filled in all blanks and having made a decision as to all alternatives in the BAJI instructions. Two copies of the requested jury instructions shall be submitted to the court. One copy shall have citations to authority and boxes for the court's use regarding whether the instruction is given, refused, or withdrawn, and one copy shall be presented without citations to authority and boxes regarding given, refused, or withdrawn. (11) Provide copies of all in limine motions that the party expects to submit at trial. Each in limine motion provided shall be numbered consecutively by the party. (Note that any in limine motions not included will not be considered by the court, unless good cause is presented to the trial court). (12) Provide all stipulations requested or proposed at trial. (13) Indicate whether there are any witnesses that need an interpreter. State the name of the interpreter and the language that must be interpreted. (If an interpreter is needed, it is the obligation of the party calling the witness to make arrangements for an interpreter.) Date: Signature of Declarant TRIAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE REPORT CIVIL 3006-CV [Rev. 07/2015] Adopted for Mandatory Use American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Page 2 of 2