Last updated: 11/30/2016
Statement Of Foreign Qualification (Foreign LLP) {0096}
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St tatemen of Fo nt oreign Qualifi fication (Foreig Limited Liability Partners gn d y ship) TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE O OKLAHOMA SEC CRETARY OF STA ATE 23 N Lincoln Blv Room 300 vd., ate 421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210 101, Sta Capitol O Oklahoma City, klahoma 73105-489 97 OklahomaCity, Ok Oklahoma 73103 (4 405) 522-2520 (405) 522-2520 Chec one (1) of the following statements, whichever is applicable: ck t g w Initial St tatement ($100.00) $50.00) Amended Statement ($ Cancelled Statement ( d ($50.00) I hereby execute the fo e ollowing articl for the pur les rpose of filing a statement of foreign qu g t ualification on behalf of the n gn ability partner rship named herein pursuan to the prov h nt visions of Titl 54, Section 1-1102 & 1-105d: le ns foreig limited lia 1 A) Legal name of the limited liabilit partnership 1. n l ty p: B) If diffe erent from the legal name, the name und which the partnership w conduct b e der e will business: (No The name ote: must end with Regist d tered Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Lia P ability Partn nership, R.L.L.P., L.L.P. ., RLLP, or LLP.) r 2 A) Street address of th partnership chief executive office: 2. he p's Street Address (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTA N ABLE) City State Zip Code B) AND, if different, street address of an office of the partner s s rship in Oklah homa, if any: : Street Address (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTA N ABLE) City State Zip Code 3 If the part 3. tnership does not have an office in Okla o ahoma, the NA AME and stre address of the partnersh eet f hip's agent fo or service of process in th state of Ok f he klahoma: Th agent must be an individ he dual resident of this state or a domestic o qualified C o r or Corporation, Li imited Liability y Co ompany, Limite Partnership, or Limited Li ed , iability Partner rship. Oklaho oma Name e Street Address B N ABLE) (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTA City Stat te Zip Code 4 Deferred future effective date, if an 4. f ny: 5 Substance of amendme or cancella 5. e ent ation, if appli icable: The statement of foreign qualificati must be signed by at least tw (2) part e t n ion y wo tners. Signed this s Signa ature of Partn ner: Signa ature of Partn ner: day of y , by: Pr rinted Name: Pr rinted Name: American LegalNet, Inc. (SOS FOR 0096-07/12 RM 2)