Tax Assessment Appeal Discovery Requests | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

 Pennsylvania   Local County   Washington   Civil 
Tax Assessment Appeal Discovery Requests | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

Last updated: 11/30/2016

Tax Assessment Appeal Discovery Requests

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IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL DIVISION _____________________________________ (name) Appellant, -vs_____________________________________ (name(s)) Appellee(s). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No.: AND NOW, comes ______________________________ (name) and serves the within Tax Assessment Appeal Discovery Requests upon (name). Pursuant to Local Rule 5000.5, all applicable responses to these Requests must be furnished within forty-five (45) days after the receipt of these Requests. REQUESTS FOR DOCUMENTS Please produce a copy of the following: 1. Any and all surveys (land, structural, environmental, etc.), building plans and site plans showing design construction and location of the subject property. 2. Any and all mortgages, promissory notes, deeds, and agreements of sale made or assumed on the subject property within the last three years and the corresponding closing statements. 3. Any and all appraisals or evaluations on the subject property which have been made during the last three years. 4. Any and all loan applications of any kind involving or relating to the subject property which have been signed or submitted within the past three years. 5. Any and all taxes, land leases, agreements, licenses, occupancy schedules, rent schedules (or rolls) relating to the subject property for the last three years. 6. Any and all written listing agreements, offers to purchase or offers to sell the subject property made within the last three years. 7. Any and all soil tests or mineral evaluations, permits or permit requests, requests relative to a zoning variance, or similar applications or requests to any governmental body within American LegalNet, Inc. the past three years concerning the subject property and the result of any such applications or requests. 8. Any and all federal and state income tax returns and audited financial statements with respect to the subject property within the last three years. 9. Any and all corporate or partnership prospectus or private placement memorandum that contains any reference to the value of the subject property within the last three years. 10. Any and all insurance policies and/or binders covering the subject property, its building contents, any building or any business located thereon from the last three years. 11. Any and all documents which describe in whole or in part any physical improvements to the subject property (whether by the owner or by a tenant) within the last three years. 12. Any and all documents listing or describing capital improvement(s) made to the subject property over the past three years including the costs of the capital improvement(s) and the completion date(s). 13. Any and all documents relating to leasing commissions paid with respect to the subject property over the last three years including the corresponding tenant space, the commission paid, and the date. INTERROGATORIES Please provide the following information: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact regarding conducting an inspection of the subject property. Date: ______________________ ___________________________ (Signature) American LegalNet, Inc.

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