Last updated: 3/15/2018
Certificate Of Organization (Limited Liability Company) {251}
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CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION en-USLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYen-USSecretary of State use onlyen-USRev. 01/2018 3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent: 4. The name and address of at least one governor of the limited liability company: 5. Mailing address for future correspondence (annual report notices): en-USTitle 30, Chapters 21 and 25, Idaho Codeen-USBase Filing fee: $100.00 typed, $120 not typed en-USPrinted Name: en-USSignature: en-USPrinted Name: en-USSignature:en-USSignature of organizer(s). en-USComplete and submit the application in en-USduplicateen-US. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: 251 American LegalNet, Inc. en-USINSTRUCTIONSen-USIf the document is incorrect, provide contact information where can you be reached for corrections:en-USNote: Complete and submit the application in duplicate. Line 1. þ The name of the limited liability company must contain the words Limited Liability Company, Limited Company en-USor the abbreviation L.L.C., L.C., or LLC. [30-21-301, Idaho Code] It is advised that you contact the Secretary en-US þ Line 3. þ All Limited Liability Companies must have a registered agent in Idaho at a street address. A registered en-US en-USagent is the person designated to receive service of process upon litigation. A registered agent may be an en-USen-USen-USen-USnot acceptable. Line 4. þ Enter the name and address of at least one (1) governor of the limited liability company; it is not necessary en-USto identify whether the person is a member or a manager. [30-21-102(19)(E) and (F), Idaho Code] þ en-USGovernor means, a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, or a member of a þ member-managed limited liability company. þ Line 5. þ Enter the mailing address for future correspondence. Your annual report reminders will be mailed to this en-USaddress.en-USThe document must be signed by an organizer or authorized person. Only one signature is required, but space has en-USbeen provided for more than one.en-USen-USPlease do not attach operating en-USen-US [30-25-201(C), Idaho Code]en-US þ þ þ en-USnumber in the cover letter or transmittal document. þ en-US þ en-USMail or deliver to: þ þ 450 N 4th Street þ þ en-US American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION en-USLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYen-USSecretary of State use onlyen-USRev. 01/2018 3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent: 4. The name and address of at least one governor of the limited liability company: 5. Mailing address for future correspondence (annual report notices): en-USTitle 30, Chapters 21 and 25, Idaho Codeen-USBase Filing fee: $100.00 typed, $120 not typed en-USPrinted Name: en-USSignature: en-USPrinted Name: en-USSignature:en-USSignature of organizer(s). en-USComplete and submit the application in en-USduplicateen-US. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: 251 American LegalNet, Inc.