Application For On Premises Promotion With Prizes Or Giveaways {LCC-207} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Application For On Premises Promotion With Prizes Or Giveaways {LCC-207} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 11/30/2016

Application For On Premises Promotion With Prizes Or Giveaways {LCC-207}

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Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) Toll-Free: 866-813-0011 - Application for On-Premises Promotion with Prizes or Giveaways in Excess of $250.00 (Authorized by MCL 436.1916, R 436.1019, R 436.1321, & R 436.1435) ***This application must be submitted at least ten (10) days in advance of your event for your request to be considered by the Commission.*** Read this information carefully to avoid having your application returned due to missing or deficient information. · All questions pertaining to on-premise contests and other activities awarding prizes or giving away anything of value, or whether an Entertainment Permit is required for an event should be directed to the Enforcement Division at 1-866-813-0011. · Michigan Liquor Control Commission rules require on-premises licensees to obtain prior Commission approval to conduct a contest or other activity whereby the licensee or any other person is awarding or giving away anything of value over $250.00 per day, except for golf and bowling tournaments which do not require prior Commission approval. · MCL 436.1916 requires that an on-premise licensee holds an Entertainment Permit from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for all contests regardless of the prize level. Contests or activities giving anything away of value less than $250.00 per day do not require prior Commission approval; however they may still require an Entertainment Permit. · If the licensee does not hold an Entertainment Permit in conjunction with its license, it may also apply for temporary authorization for this event by submitting a Temporary Authorization Application (LCC-206). · An event cannot include female topless activities by employees or customers unless the licensee holds a Topless Activity Permit. · An on-premises licensee shall not allow contests in which the licensee or any other person gives away anything of value over $250.00 per day, except upon written order of the commission, and shall not accept or retain anything of value from a person in exchange for sponsoring or promoting a contest or tournament. [Administrative Rule R 436.1435(1)] · An on-premises licensee shall not allow a contest or tournament of any kind in which the sale, use, or consumption of alcoholic liquor is a necessary part of the contest or tournament or in which alcoholic liquor is given as a prize to the participants of the contest or tournament. [Administrative Rules R 436.1435(2) & R 436.1019] · An on-premises licensee shall not allow a promotion on the licensed premises in which anything of value over $250.00 per day or any alcoholic liquor is given away without adequate and appropriate consideration, except as provided in this rule or upon written order of the commission. An on-premises licensee shall not accept or retain anything of value from a person in exchange for sponsoring a promotion, except upon written order of the commission. [Administrative Rule R 436.1435(3)] · There shall not be advertising of alcoholic liquor connected with offering a prize or award on the completion of a contest, except upon prior written approval of the Commission. [Administrative Rule R 436.1321(1)] · A licensee shall not allow unlawful gambling* on the licensed premises and shall not allow on the licensed premises any gaming devices prohibited by law. [Liquor Control Code MCL 436.1901(2)] *There are three (3) basic elements of gambling: 1. Chance - The outcome is primarily random and not a result of skill. 2. Consideration - There is a cost to enter and to take part in the activity. The cost is usually money, but may include the requirement of a participant to go to a location to participate. 3. Reward - Winner receives a prize, which can be anything of value, such as cash, goods or services. · If one of the above elements is removed, the activity is most likely not gambling and my be legal activity. · Raffles bearing a Bureau of Lottery license are allowed on a licensed premises. Those that have not been approved by lottery are illegal and not allowed. American LegalNet, Inc. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) Toll-Free: 866-813-0011 - Business ID: Request ID: (For MLCC Use Only) Application for On-Premises Promotion with Prizes or Giveaways in Excess of $250.00 (Authorized by MCL 436.1916, R 436.1019, R 436.1321, & R 436.1435) ***This application must be submitted at least ten (10) days in advance of your event for your request to be considered by the Commission.*** Part 1 - Licensee Information Individuals, please state your legal name. Corporations or Limited Liability Companies, please state your name as it is filed with the State of Michigan Corporation Division. Licensee name(s): Address: City: Contact name: Zip Code: Phone: Email: Part 2 - Promotion Details Date(s) of event: Time of event: If the event is occurring on any day after 2:30 AM, or on a Sunday and licensee does not currently hold a Sunday Sales Permit, the licensee must obtain a Specific Purpose Permit or an Extended Hours Permit to be held in conjunction with an Entertainment Permit to allow patrons to be on the licensed premises past the legal hours of operation. Licensees may also apply for up to twelve (12) daily Temporary Specific Purpose Permits, Entertainment Permits, and Extended Hours Permits in a calendar year by submitting a Temporary Authorization Application (Form LCC-206). Check type of promotion: Random Drawing or Sweepstakes - Entertainment Permit is not required. Describe drawing or sweepstakes: · · · · · Registration for the drawing must be open to everyone and accepted by phone, fax, mail, email, or in person. Winners of random drawing need not be present to win. No purchase can be required to enter a random drawing. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or alcoholic beverages at the licensed establishment. Monetary prizes must be in the form of a check. Nothing of value may be accepted from an alcoholic beverage manufacturer or wholesaler. Tournament (e.g. pool, darts, etc.) - Entertainment Permit is required, except for golf, bowling, pool, darts, or big buck tournaments. Describe tournament: · Commission approval not required for golf or bowling tournaments. Contest (e.g. costume, talent, karaoke, trivia, etc.) - Entertainment Permit is required. Describe contest: Are dressing rooms required? If Yes, describe what area will b

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