Last updated: 11/28/2017
Motion (Appellate) {800-00004}
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800 - 00004 - Appellate Motion ( 05/2017 ) Page 1 of 1 Vermont Supreme Court 109 State Street Montpelier , VT 05 609 - 0801 802 - 828 - 4774 www.vermontjudiciary.org MOTION Vermont Rule of Appellate Procedure ( V.R.A.P. ) 32(c)(3) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF VERMONT Ca se Name: Supreme Court Docket No. : Trial Court Docket No. : Title of Motion: Reason(s) for Motion: ( S et forth with particularity the grounds of the motion and the relief sought, as required by V.R.A.P. 27(a), and any other matter required by a rule specifi cally applicable t o the motion.) Signature: Date: Name : Mailing a ddress : P hone : Email address : Attorney for : American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com